The diversity of opportunities in Europe is matched by a robust system of qualification recognition and credit transfer, meaning that your degree will be internationally recognised and accepted.
You'll be welcome to follow in their footsteps as a PhD student.
It is made up of all 28 EU members (including the UK) as well as other countries from elsewhere in Europe and Eurasia.
There was an agreement signed in 1999 at the (Europe’s oldest university) and all "EHEA" members follow this process.
This makes it a lot simpler to study abroad in different parts of Europe or to work in another European country with your doctorate.
NOTE: there's still no credit value for a PhD in Europe and individual programmes may include additional training or other elements in addition to your research project.
1. Simplify your entrance qualifications.
2. PhD is recognised across the EHEA.
3. ECTS credits for modules and classes.
4. PhD candidates are treated as early career researchers as well as students.
1. Your nationality.
2. Whether the country you wish to study in is a member of the European Union.
You can contact your university’s international office if you aren’t sure about your visa requirements.
Some countries actually charge no fees to any PhD students, regardless of nationality.
1. Germany;
2. Norway;
3. Iceland;
4. Sweden;
5. Estonia;
6. Czech republic.
NOTE: they are all ZERO EURO for all PhD applicants regardless of your nationality including NIGERIANS.
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