Thread 1/13
CC: @DanDWill, @shandro

As an Ontarian, I usually stay out of internal #abpoli issues, but in this case, due to the universality of the Red v Blue power struggle, as is demonstrated by the civil war within the CPC, and Ford's capitulation of #onpoli to #RedToryNation, I have to make an exception.
The Red Tories are determined to take every issue outside the purview of fiscal conservatism (ish) out of the Overton Window of any acceptable (to them) politicians. This battle will determine the future of Cdn conservatism and on whether there'll be much left to conserve.
Standing up for #ConscienceRights isn't a socially conservative position. It's not even moderate. It's the absolute bare minimum to not be 100% liberal on both the social/cultural & the libertarian axes.
ON is a cautionary tale on many fronts, including the abandonment of our physician's rights/responsibilities to fulfill their Hippocratic Oath by conscientiously objecting to perform procedures that go against deeply held convictions - to do no harm.…
Remember Trudeau's ideological purity test for summer students? Well, they're now lobbying to "purify" Docs by forcing medical residents to administer euthanasia as part of their mandatory training in ALL programs!
Docs ≠ State Robots!…
Within 6 months Trudeau plans to remove euthanasia safeguards protecting vulnerable Cdns, and to expand to kids, mental illness and dementia. Cdns will be forced to “choose” euthanasia when 85% can’t access palliative care. Just a cost-saving scheme!
Even the UN considers #ConscienceRights to be human rights. So yeah, any Conservative who stands against protecting this basic human right at a time when it's under attack is on the LEFT OF THE UN on this.
Keep in mind, that the Bill only seeks to enshrine the status-quo standard of practice in AB, in order to prevent the regulatory body from being able to arbitrarily change it like they did in ON. That's all #Bill207 is about!
Docs would still be required to provide info on services they can't provide in good conscience, and the absence of referrals is irrelevant, b/c AB's system already doesn't require referrals for these services. The disinfo surrounding this bill is just leftist fear-mongering.
In Manitoba, #ConscienceRights were enshrined into law with unanimous support across all parties in 2017. Likewise, in 2016, the CPC unanimously voted to support a similar legislation. I strongly advise AB to do the same.
Tomorrow might be the last day to save #Bill207 so that it can be debated, and based on the Private Members' Bills Committee's (UCP-dominated) recommendation to kill the bill, the time to apply pressure is quickly running out.…
If you'd like your MLA's to defend #ConscienceRights, please consider writing/calling and tweeting @ them with #ISupportBill207…