I knew no one there. I look back through my footage and see many faces I'm now familiar with.
That day and on 8/17, I wasn't assumed to be "Antifa."
Watching the assumptions that the "anti-antifascist" crowd makes has been fascinating, albeit frustrating.
But I'm the intimidating one.

I asked questions. Katy advocated for violence, made specific threats against me and another individual, offered to show me what assault looked like.
Here's me looking very threatening, very "Antifa member." These are my everyday clothes. The night at the Melody Center was the last time I covered my face. I was glad I did (see: "Portland Andy").

Small, weak, disabled, mentally ill, "retarded," etc., but also a threatening, intimidating criminal, terrorist, stalker, etc.
I didn't call the cops. Jean did, telling them a number of lies about me. Of course I didn't run from the scene, letting her tell them her side without countering those lies.
If she gave the report to Lt. Stainbrook, IMO, it's suspect.
I took notice of the fact that Jean had claimed to be a victim of an "Antifa" attack before. She faked it.
She even denies that JPlorable is her other account, aside from LeftRUglyLiars, despite the fact that she's engaged with me on both.
If you want to pursue this, I'm ready. I know I'm not in the wrong here.
Wish I was surprised.
Physical safety.

Objectively reasonable.