Her laugh was big and infectious.
You heard her before you saw her, and she is the person I think of first when I look back on my time as a BC Corrections Officer.
Her crime wasn't important but her story is.
She was funny, compassionate, and had an incredible zest for life.
She was the alpha female on the unit, relegated to beta whenever a guard walked in.
It was tough to watch.
Her life on the street. Her struggle to stay clean. Her goal of getting her kids back.
How her eyes sparkled when she spoke of her children.
She was street smart. Savvy. She knew the score.
And there she was. All 5'2" of her.
I raised an eyebrow and said it looked like she had done the same.
Oh, how she laughed.
She threw her head back and let loose a big, throaty belly guffaw.
Her name was added to the list in 1999.
I held out hope.
She had fallen to a serial killer.