It came as no surprise that a lot of the available information was false.
This thread will attempt to clarify things.

The first return of ‘green’ Libyans (Gaddafi supporters) was in 2014 #Benghazi when #Haftar called on them to assist in the war against #terrorism.
Foreign Minister Siala was appointed due to his allegiance to the former regime, adding a facade of unity in the newly formed GNA.

The amnesty decree was never implemented in the west.
This has recently been displayed in the #LNA’s recent progress in the south thanks to the role of Bilgasim AlAbaj.

Militarily, most prominent generals from the previous regime have joined the #LNA, such as Mabrouk Sahban.

Saif is in a very good position today as all of his ‘rivals’ are in the middle of a war, and all seeking his support.
@LibyaDesk has confirmed that

So far, it seems that Saif is keeping a low profile and will see how things play out, knowing full well no matter the outcome of the war, he will come out on top.
That said, it must be made clear that only a handful of people today are directly in touch with Saif, and most who claim to restore sent him do not.