1. This is the most detailed anti-kleptocracy policy outline any candidate has ever released. (Sanders has called for much the same, but not as comprehensively.)
More here: gmfus.org/publications/e…

The Foreign Extortion Prevention Act (FEPA), currently in Congress, would do just that: justsecurity.org/66388/congress…

...but FATCA needs a major overhaul. FATCA was a huge reason the U.S. ballooned into a major tax haven in the first place. More here: financialsecrecyindex.com/PDF/USA.pdf

More here: the-american-interest.com/2019/08/08/clo…
But this is a remarkable document. Fingers crossed it'll inject anti-kleptocracy proposals into more national debate—and be enacted.
There are a slew of bills currently bouncing around Congress that would put a *huge* dent in the U.S.'s role as a global hub for kleptocracy: justsecurity.org/66388/congress…