@TheFCA started the Digital Regulatory Reporting (DRR) in 2017. You can find more details here:
Pilot Phase I participants:
Credit Suisse
Lloyds Banking Group
All sections of the report are interesting, but I found section 5 and 6 to be most interesting. Here are a few things that stood out to me:
- expressing the logic of regulation in code written in a
general‑purpose programming language like Java, C++ or Python.
- A combination of subject matter experts and
engineers coded the logic of the regulation in JS.
The pilot identified several limitations on the process for producing machine executable code from
-None of the options explored have yet proven they can be scaled up.
-Both the content of the regulation and how it is presented create challenges.
-There is no obvious answer to what is the most efficient process to generate code from natural language regulation.
-The goal of this workstream is to understand if the data model can be extended across multiple groups of products
-The pilot phase did not rigorously test the approaches for efficiently developing
-This workstream will focus on undertaking a feasibility study of DRR implementation in the industry. The team will carry out an initial
Pilot Phase II (February 2019 – present)
Pilot phase II participants:
Financial Conduct Authority
Bank of England
Credit Suisse
Lloyds Banking Group
@TheFCA has a regulatory sandbox. More info can be found here: bit.ly/2PRpnFz
"We are now open for applications to cohort 6 until 31 December 2019."
Could the partner be in cohort 6?