1) Correlation isn't close to what you think it actually is.
2) Most people don't know statistics let alone probability.
3) It's not that field is lacking earnest students. It's that the field is taught wrong all around.
4) A second rate statistician is deadly
6) They take nature and compartmentalize it into mini models. The models are wrong.
7) They project the model back on to reality with confidence.
9) Science is hard because it won't conform to your wishes, desires, equations, data sets, etc.
10) Data collected is a snapshot of the past. Not a predictor of the future. It almost always excludes quiet but important info.
13) As time passes, assumptions get burned.
14) Don't buy into things that will have to change in time.
16) If something seems stupid, it's because your assumptions about its fundamentals are wrong.
17) Correlation in fields that are normally distributed is spurious.