The ideal piece covers not just crypto efforts like Voice/Akasha, but allied tech like Mastodon, CRDT, Bittorrent, Git.
Reply to this tweet with your post! cc @cz_binance @VitalikButerin
Because platforms don't "just" censor speech. They have a long history of censoring competing technologies.

And a strong review article on tech for decentralized social media would help guide the way.
Think of this as the technical complement to @mmasnick's excellent piece:…
- To enter, reply to the original tweet with a link to your article
- It should be written for devs/founders without any background in the area
- We'll run this till Dec 30 at 11:59pm PT
- Will pick the best piece that comes in before that time
Please DM me as well with the link to your review of decentralized social media in case I don’t see it in the replies.
About 12 hours to go!