There has been an increasing amount of misleading information floating across my feed regarding what mental health professionals are supposed to think about abortion. It is dangerous and disturbing.
Truth #1: There is absolutely nothing in any code of ethics or conduct that requires/or could be interpreted to require group think regarding abortion one way or another.
Truth #2: Professionals in any arena aren't harming anyone by having personal opinions on national topics, even when vocal in public about them. Twitter isn't therapy. Facebook isn't therapy. Media (thank goodness) isn't therapy.
Truth #4: If that were true, no prochoice professional should counsel prolife clients. A professional's personal stance on abortion doesn't enter a counseling session
Truth #5: Many of my clients would disagree and it surely wouldn't help them if I pointed to terribly flawed research like the Turnaway Study in order to try and convince them their pain, grief, and/or regret isn't real.
Truth #6: I have prochoice clients who are seeking healing from the trauma of their abortion they do not regret. Research is terrible at depicting the true complexity of the human mind and heart cont...
Truth y: Being prolife doesn't mean anything about religion. Just like personal opinions about abortion, religion doesn't enter a counseling session unless a client brings his/her religion into the session.
Truth #8: Being pro-woman as a counselor means helping a woman explore all her options & pros/cons of those options as well as options for removing barriers to health/success. That's a prolife position.
Truth #9: Abolishing abortion is a human rights issue, not a therapy issue. It isn't discussed in session. In therapy, pros/cons of all options are explored without counselor bias.
Truth #10: It is not only false, but unnecessary. Women in counseling determine whether or not THEY believe an abortion kills a human. They then determine if it is ethical to have an abortion, cont.
As counselors, we are restricted from giving input on philosophical issues (personhood) in session.
However, denying abortion ends a human life is what pro-abortionist are demanding. Not a denial of opinion, a denial of truth.