These events are linked.
They didn't start them but they made damn sure they did their best to finish them, saving millions of lives.
Never forget the work that has gone before. #WeGotThis

There isn't going to be a #TrumpsWar in the way the appeasing, lying, fearmongering Democrats want there to be.
He is responding in lawful self defense to what was started in the Middle East after WWI. Yes, WWI.
Humans have defended themselves against aggression since human life on earth began.
Like it or not, the Middle East is crucial to world security because oil fuels transport & their oil is cheap to access.
Did you know that the device you are using is made from oil? And the medical gear that could save your life one day. And modern life, fundamentally.
Become Amish if you want but I'm not joining u.
I'd die without plastic.
There are thousands of similar examples. No transportation alternative exists or is likely to exist in the next century to replace oil.
Trump has already made the US energy dominant. But allowing the murderous Iranian regime to keep using its oil reserve to blackmail others is bad for everyone, incl. the region.
US citizens & companies can't exit the region, either.
European elites have a stranglehold on the anti-US narrative that enables Iran.
The November 1942 British Empire victory at El Alamein in Egypt ensured this. Rommel could not advance through Cairo into the area that is now Israel, Jordan & Iraq.…
It tool the UK & US 2 years to gear up industrial production enough for D-Day in June 1944.
We were not #ready. Trump's top priority has been military readiness.
He knew that UK coal fired ships would ensure war victories by Germany or others. He ensured that oil made the UK ready. Others reduced her readiness, including the appeasers of the 1930s.
That's why the British Empire spent so much blood & treasure there, even before WWI.
Events there after WWI are the key to the present day.
Yet these same governments STILL trade with Iran, including with weapons & the financing of terrorism.
No wonder they try to scuttle Brexit.
There is arguably no greater living acolyte of Churchill than Donald J. Trump.
Obama (codename: Renegade) had Churchill's bust removed from the Oval Office.
The German dream was to defeat the US.
This evil can never be completely wiped out, but Trump knew we needed to get the numbers more under control, and fast.
In 2016, ISIS was the front organization for the legacy of the 3rd Reich.
(Since that time I've realized that law abiding Muslims the world over hate jihadists like Soleimani even more than I do, so it's important to add the qualifiers "radical" & "terrorism.")
Zero wouldn't do it.
Trump is educating voters so that the lesson will be learned for not just years or decades, but generations to come.
He is Lincoln. He is Washington.
Yes, you read that right. 1983.
The Chicago Democrat machine still operates as it always has. A hotbed of Marxism that blends into Nazism.
Study the 25-point platform of the German Workers'Party in 1932. Compare and contrast with that of Democrats today.
Lies about oil and the Middle East.
Lies about Carter, Clinton, and Obama.
Lies about Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, and Trump.