0.5°C safety
1.3°C irreversible feedbacks (now)
1.5°C severe danger
2°C extreme danger
2.5°C approaching hell
3°C horror
3.5°C death of organised society
4°C human survival in doubt
5°C extinction possible
6°C extinction likely
7°C current trajectory
Climate 'change'.
'average temperatures could rise 7°C above pre-industrial levels if carbon emissions continue unabated' (according to new IPCC climate models)
2C by 2040.
3-4C by 2060?
1.5°C in the 2020s is virtually certain.
2°C by 2035-2040 looks very likely to me.
After that it becomes harder to say.
I'd guess 3.5- 4°C by 2065-2080, but that may not happen before 2100.
What can we do?
Here are 3 threads:👇
For real action we need truth & solidarity.
Only rapid decarbonisation in the 2020s could give us a small chance of avoiding this in the coming decades, but the endless resource wars of fossil fuel capitalism will have to be stopped if we want to survive.
The speed of climate change leaves most creatures struggling or unable to evolve and adapt quickly enough to avoid extinction.
This Extinction Economy won't even slash emissions.
New climate models appear to show ~2°C by 2040 as inevitable:
Billions will be at risk as we move to 2°C.
Protecting all people & animals is the only moral course.
Thread for details:
Over half a billion animals dead in NSW in the Australian climate chaos wildfires, nevermind the rest of the country. A billion people hit by extreme weather each year now & 250 million facing acute hunger/famine.