House Approves Blocking Use of Force w/ Iran w/o Authorization
Intel indicates the Iranian military accidentally shot down the UKR airliner with a RU SAM.
52%-34%, called Trump's behavior with Iran "reckless” & say Soleimani's killing justified but made US less safe
No American is "in love" with terrorists or "mourns" the death of that Iranian general on an airstrip in Baghdad.
Many of us do, however, mourn the death of decency, honesty & reason here at home.
The right takes issue w/ Speier’s comment but are mute re Collin’s
3 Hours From Alert to Attacks: Inside the Race to Protect U.S. Forces From Iran Strikes
Intel that foreshadowed the Iranian attack set off a tense, often confusing afternoon in the WH Situation Room.
1MDB scandal: Malaysia’s former PM ‘asked UAE to fake evidence’
Najib Razak faces 42 criminal charges related to the alleged theft of billions of dollars
Trump announces overhaul of landmark environmental and climate rules
Gov. Gavin Newsom to propose that California manufacture its own generic drugs
Trump's tariffs cost U.S. companies $46 billion to date, data shows
Ghislaine Maxwell Reportedly Hides in Israel
Pelosi Says She’ll Likely Send Articles Soon: Impeachment Update
McConnell says U.S. Senate to move forward unless House sends impeachment articles
US: IRS Recovers $616 Million Thanks to Whistleblowers
For Trump and Iran, trolling on Twitter helped escalate tensions on the battlefield
If you think Iran is done retaliating, think again
Trump Wants to Add Mideast Countries to NATO and Call It NATO-ME
'I think what the president is looking for is more of our allies working with us in Iraq,' says U.S. Ambassador to NATO
📌Justice Dept. winds down Clinton-related inquiry once championed by Trump.
📌It found nothing of consequence.
Najib Razak faces 42 criminal charges related to the alleged theft of billions of dollars……
A majority of those surveyed, by 52%-34%, called President* Donald Trump's behavior with Iran "reckless."………
Kushner’s Global Role Shrinks as He Tackles Another: The 2020 Election…
Many of TV pundits who weighed in have undisclosed ties to the defense industry.……
Forces From Iran Strikes
Intelligence that foreshadowed the Iranian attack set off a tense, often confusing afternoon in the White House Situation Room.…
Investigators have focused on how suspected informants inside the Damascus and Baghdad airports collaborated with the U.S. military to help track and pinpoint Soleimani’s position…
White House advisers were cohesive and less inclined than their predecessors to push back against the president’s wishes…
Questions have long surrounded a criminal inv’n into the Trump family’s dealings around the Trump SoHo that was dropped in 2011.
H/T @ericgarland…
The New York Times has obtained video that shows the moment a Ukrainian airliner was hit minutes after takeoff from Tehran.… via @NYTimes…
Today the Lincoln Project released its first digital video, “MAGA Church” highlighting the hypocrisy of those who claim the mantle of Jesus while supporting or ignoring President* Donald Trump’s immoral acts.…… via @NYTimes…
But changes announced Thursday will allow users to exercise more control over which ads they see
FaceBook is malware—delete!……
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
January 9, 2020
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA