Record outmigration & demographic changes mean CA is also rapidly getting older—the dependency ratio (no. over the age of 65 to those of working age) has increased by 85% since 2010…
California has been losing its middle class to other states for decades #CalExodus…

However international migrants are no longer enough to cover the number of domestic migrants leaving
CA lost a net 38,000 in 2018…
Data released last year showed Los Angeles sliding into population decline.
Los Angeles loss of 13,241 residents was the fourth largest in the nation—behind only Cook County/Chicago, and Queens and Kings counties in New York.…

"The only ones fit to survive in California are the very rich and those who rely on government spending
In a nutshell, "the state is run for the very rich, the very poor, and the public employees"…
Demography is destiny—and the trends of #CalExodus and a spiking dependency ratio *accelerate* the process.

Nearly HALF of California cities are not even saving enough money to pay pension benefits in five years—according to the State Auditor…
More than 70% of the cities in California do not have **ANY** funds set aside for other post-employment benefits—such as retiree health care—according to the State Auditor.
None. Zero. Zilch.😮…
✅Revenues rose 24%
✅The number of teachers *declined* by 13%
✅Retirement spending surged 84%😮
✅Retirement spending's share of LAUSD operating expenses grew 47%
✅The share spent on teacher salaries *dropped* by 17%