Personal interest in evaluating a law which is very much constitutional!
Tell me dude, if you're against CAA, you must be against religion based minority benefits in India right?
Are you?
I don't see any such direct conflict between Hinduism&modern constitutions as both of them can coexist. That's the

I repeat, I don't want Muslim majority anywhere in India, that's not because I hate Muslims, the people,
So I prefer the less problematic one, Hindus, the only section which can keep the equilibrium.
And look around the world. For Muslims, it's best for them when they're living in a Muslim minority democracy! Isn't..
Yes it is.
Let me conclude with something funny. The same people who were accusing that there's Muslim persecution in India until recently,
Why? So that they too can be persecuted here?
This exposes the "Muslim persecution in India" accusations!
Thank you
U cant see such a thing among
Sharia is the core of Islam, the constitution for mankind allah gave through Muhammad, the messenger of god, according to Islam
So, a true Muslim can never choose a man made constitution..
This is a conflict between Islam & modern laws which can't be repaired. It's simply not possible!