Wilson: I don't remember that.
Srebnick: Mr. Holmes was there too, right?
Wilson: There were 5 lawyers
Wilson: Mr. Holmes works at my law firm...
Srebnick: Had Mr. Holmes ever taken notes for you before, that you relied on?
Wilson: I can't recall.
AUSA: Objection.
Judge Gardephe: Sustained... I'm trying to understand what you're asking the witness about the cooperation piece of it.
Srebnick: I'm going to show you a Defense Exhibit...
Wilson: He indicated he would hold a press conference the next day.
AUSA Podolsky: Objection!
Judge Gardephe: Overruled.
Srebnick: And when Mr. Avenatti mentioned a press conference, did Mr. Geragos appear to be in synch?
Judge Gardephe (sua sponte) Sustained.
Wilson: I asked him if he was wearing a wire.
Wilson: Yes, that I told Mr. Avenatti that we bought in a senior lawyer from Oregon, we are taking this seriously.
Judge Gardephe: May I ask a question? Had Mr. Avenatti laid out the allegations at this point?
Wilson: At a high level. And I remember an allegation of a $10,000 payment.
Srebnick: You were allowed to see them, but you couldn't copy them - instead you later told Mr. Holmes what you saw?
AUSA: Objection...
Judge Gardephe: Sustained.
Wilson: It didn't have Bates numbers when I saw it.
Judge Gardephe: Did it have the read circles on it?
Wilson: I don't recall.
Wilson: I see that it is labeled that.
Srebnick: And in it DeBose directs Franklin to fly to Phoenix?
Wilson: I see the text you've read.
Wilson: Mr. Avenatti spoke of a payment to Mr. Ayton or some member of his family.
Srebnick: Do you see D4, 0021?
Wilson: Yes I see that.
Wilson: I saw a version of this.
Srebnick: An email from DeBose to another Nike person to make flight arrangement for Mr. Franklin to fly to Phoenix, back and forth the same day?
Wilson: When you read it you substituted Phoenix for the acronym PHX... When I fly to Portland, it is PDX, so I mistook them. It would have have been surprising for Mr. Franklin to fly to Nike headquarters in Portland.
Wilson: I see the text that you've read... Prior to my time spent reviewing the documents on March 19, Mr. Avenatti did refer to a player with a connection to Mr Manning, whom he said had received corrupt payments
Srebnick: Do you remember Mr. Holmes--
Judge Gardephe: Please don't cut off the witness.
Wilson: I probably was speaking too low.
One question is, what did SDNY US Attorney's Office ever do with this information, they type the prosecuted people at and around Adidas on?]

Wilson: No I do not recall.
Srebnick: Does this refresh your recollection?
Wilson: No it does not.
Wilson: We huddled near a window. I said, I have to get out this information that I saw, I wasn't allowed to take notes. So I asked Mr. Holmes to take notes on what I had seen.
Wilson: Generally yes.
Srebnick: And if a case makes it all the way to trial, that also is public, right?
Wilson: Yes, trials are public.
Wilson: There are not rules prohibiting people from holding press conferences. But it is not a practice I am familiar with.
Wilson: It's not unusual.
Srebnick: And parties can reach agreements on confidentiality?
Wilson: Yes.
AUSA: Objection.
Judge Gardephe: Sustained.
Srebnick: So, a negotiation with a company that resulted in a jury verdict in the 100s of millions of dollars
Wilson: He said he'd have a most favored nation clause, in which Nike would have to pay him and Mr. Geragos 2 times what we paid any other firm
Wilson: I don't remember that... He had said, "I don't give a f*ck about the kids," or "a sh*t"
but an objection ends that.
Srebnick: And did you call Mr. Geragos at 6:21 pm?
Wilson: I don't recall the time.
Srebnick: Was Mr. Holmes present?
Wilson: The only speaking participant was me.
Wilson: I don't remember who was there.
Srebnick: Does this refresh your recollection?
Wilson: Yes, Mr. Skinner was there. He is a partner at Boies Schiller.
"I think we can give a bunch of what Michael asked for, we think it's too much
Srebnick: So you said, we think it's too much, but we are prepared to make some sort of offer
Wilson: There a difference with what I intended. By this time I was cooperating with the US Attorney's Office and the FBI.
Srebnick: Did they coach you on how to record Avenatti?
Wilson: They showed me how to use it.
Judge Gardephe: Who[m] did you speak with at the government?
Wilson: An investigator with the US Attorney's Office, and two agents.
I was saying things that were different from my intention.
Wilson: I was indicating that I couldn't have an answer from the company until Monday. I said the general counsel was still in Europe, to build consensus had to take into account time zones
Judge Gardephe: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we'll take our mid morning recess, for 15 minutes. Please don't discuss the case.
Scott Srebnick: This is to impeach Mr Wilson--
Judge Gardephe: But Mr. Wilson has not said that Nike did nothing wrong
Judge Gardephe: We are not going to pursue a broad exploration of Nike
Scott Srebnick: I will confer with my brother so we comply with this. I'd like to include notes from calls the US Attorney's Office had with Boies
Wilson: He repeatedly asked what my previous firm would charge.
Srebnick: Avenatti said, "Scott, what would you quote? We'll do with your quote."
AUSA Podolsky: Objection!
Judge Gardephe: Sustained.
Then, after a sidebar:
Srebnick: So the FBI came you recording equipment. Did they give you instructions?
Wilson: That on my way to meeting I not engage in conversation
Wilson: I understand him to be using the term white wash in a negative, pejorative way... Boies Schiller began an internal investigation of Nike once they got the subpoena in 2017.
AUSA Podolsky: Objection!
Judge Gardephe: Sustained.
And now calls a sidebar.
Wilson: Some of the information, such as that about Mr. Ayton...
Wilson: Yes, & I would note down if I participated in a call with the government.
Judge Gardephe: What year are we talking about?
[Nov 2017]
Srebnick: Let me show you a document
AUSA Podolsky: Your Honor, could we get a copy?
Wilson: I heard the audio you just played.
Srebnick: Let's turn to the next clip, in the transcript page 27...
After he and jury leave, talk turns to what Avenatti's lawyers can ask about the Nike proffer sessions with the US Attorney