Why does the "sounds good to me" standard not work....
Here is what the experts - not me, I'm not qualified - but the experts say. Historically, *every* attempt to block out a disease at borders have backfired. This part of why health experts were unanimous in 2014 on..
Without exception, shutting borders has led to people who would have taken traceable transportation to instead take land. That makes it..
Even worse is travel laundering. Someone in China who is fleeing goes home to, say, India. Is there for a week, wife gets on a plane to England to see son...
The person who had an affair travels to the United States....
So, perhaps run pre-travel screening. Nope..
As I said, don't believe me. I repeat what experts say....
So, here is where we are. Our environment where everyone is an expert on everything is going to kill us - if not now, someday. We cant contain a virus by following Sean Hannity. We need to listen to experts. And they are....
GOPrs will take credit if our luck holds out and coronavirus burns out. And they'll blame something...
I expect their luck will hold out, based on probabilities. But theyve made it worse. And it's another reason these people have to be out of office. Someday, their luck - and ours - will run out.