Instead, macro policymakers seem to have taken a bunch of misguided lessons from Japan's experience
While Japan did have a lost decade, per capita outcomes in the 2010s have been stellar.
Japan's labor market is streets ahead of the US!
As long as the central bank is willing to be buyer of last resort, crowding out is not a thing.
Some in macro are too inclined to castigate what Japan has pulled off
Focus on the labor market tragedy, not the macro accounting tragedy…
The 2009 ARRA was under-cooked because of deficit-sensitive elected officials
But these programs often need to last much longer than the NBER's arbitrary definitions (as the Sahm Rule rightly does)...(cont)
The recent TCJA experience is also instructive. The Fed got trigger-happy about deficit expansion, even tho the cuts were largely just saved
In the next recession, the Fed really has no margin for error. Stabilizers will expand the deficit; the Fed shouldn't blink
While markets don't have perfect information, there is no price signal worth ignoring. (end)