Franklin: No
Srebnick: So explain how you lost your contract?
Franklin: Another Nike person approach me about his son and other kids playing on my team
Franklin: That's when Jamal James said, We don't have to ask you to do this, we can just move you out of EYBL.
Franklin: Yes.
Srebnick: And no offense to any of us here, but you didn't want a lawyer running your team, right?
Franklin: I did not.
Franklin: Yes I did.
Srebnick: And Mr. Avenatti told you to stop recording, right? To keep what you had, but stop recording?
Franklin: Correct.
AUSA: Objection!
Judge Gardephe, Yes, it's vague. Sustained.
AUSA: Objection.
Judge Gardephe: I'll allow it. Did you suffer sleepless nights after you lost your 17 and under team?
Franklin: Yes I did.
Franklin. Yes.
Franklin: Yes, I see that.
Srebnick: And Mr. Auerbach touted to you he had a personal relationship with Phil Knight & John Slusher?
A: Yes
Franklin: He did say that.
Srebnick: Starting Feb 2018 you began consulting with Mr. Auerback about resolving your problems with Nike?
Franklin: Yes
Franklin (reading aloud) "Hey Gary--"
[He is cut off. He's supposed to read to himself to see if it... refreshes his recollection. Long pause.]
Franklin: Finished.
Franklin: I guess so. It could be.
Judge Gardephe: Had you formulated a strategy of how you wanted to deal with Nike?
Franklin: I wasn't in a rush. I was still under contract.
Franklin: Possibly yes.
Srebnick: And about the Nike executives--
AUSA Sobelman: Objection. Those are not the witness' words. Can we have a brief sidebar.
Judge Gardephe: Alright.
Srebnick: In March of 2018, did you want justice above all else?
Franklin (sighing) "Yes."
Srebnick: Did you hope for swift action against the Nike executives?
Franklin: Those are Jeff's words.
Franklin: Carlton DeBose and Jamal James.
Srebnick: You wanted them fired and to stop further corruption?
Franklin: Further corruption from them, yes.
Srebnick: You wanted to stop harm to others?
Franklin: Yes.
Franklin: Yes.
Srebnick: In Aug 2018, did Mr. Auerbach tell you to go to Nike and tell them how Mr. DeBose and Mr. James, I don't want to use the F word, but F-ed you?
Franklin: Yes
Franklin: A lot of these are his words, but yes, I see it. (Reading the messages Srebnick has handed him).
Franklin: Correct.
Srebnick: You were still talking about it?
Franklin: Possibly yes.
Franklin: I see it, but it doesn't refresh.
Franklin: What do you mean by reach out?
Srebnick: To reach out and speak about your issues. You wanted representation?
Franklin: No.
Srebnick: Look at the document in front of you.
Franklin: I can't recall if he said he was his friend, or just that he knew him.
Srebnick: Auerbach told you he was going to call Slusher by the end of the week?
Franklin: Can you repeat that question?
Franklin: Yes, as I see it now.
Srebnick: You understood what the bomb was, right?
Franklin: I believe so.
Franklin: Just that he would call Slusher.
Srebnick: And you responded, I'm ready to go.
Franklin: Yes.
Franklin: No.
Srebnick: Look at the document.
Franklin: Can you repeat the question?
Franklin: Jeff was sending me a lot of texts & at the end I said, "Gotcha." But I mean..
Srebnick: When you said Gotcha to Mr. Auerbach, that didn't mean you agreed?
Franklin: Not necessarily.
Franklin: Possibly, yes.
Franklin: I can't recall that.
[Srebnick asks for admission into evidence; Judge Gardephe says No.]
Franklin: I see it, but...
Srebnich: And you discussed how Nike didn't deserve that?
Srebnick: Jamal James, Carlton DeBose.. You would allow Nike to right their wrong and control the message, right?
Franklin: These are Jeff's words.
[Inner City Press: So will Srebnick be re-calling Auerback?]
Judge Gardephe: That is denied.
Srebnick (to Franklin) So you still had no relief from John Slusher?
Franklin: What do you mean by relief?
Srebnick: Lemme ask you, how many teams in EYBL?
Franklin: 40.
Franklin: Yes.
Srebnick: Did you suggest calling him to reinstate the program?
Franklin: No.
Srebnick: Why didn't you ask him to do that?
Franklin: Not sure.
Franklin: I suppose.
Srebnick: That why you wanted Bol Bol, to keep him away from Adidas... By Jan 8, 2019 Auerbach told you it was time to "drop the hammer," do you recall that?
Franklin: Not exactly
Franklin: I believe so.
Srebnick: And you had trouble getting players when word got out you'd lost your Nike sponsorship, right?
Franklin: I guess.
Judge Gardephe: Time for morning recess.
Judge Gardephe: But was it conveyed to Mr Avenatti? In any event, what about the subpoenas for the Nike witnesses? When are you going to brief that?
[AUSA Podolsky whispers to AUSA Sobelman, who says: They need to say if they are asking for Mr. Kaplan & Mr. Slusher.
Judge Gardephe (to Srebnicks): You'll decide after Franklin?
will resume patreon.com/posts/33814659…
Srebnick: So did you say that you wanted to inform Nike senior management of excessive corporate corruption?
Franklin: Possibly. By Carlton DeBose and Jamal James.
Franklin: I see it.
Franklin: I don't remember the law firm.
Srebnick: Do you recall seeing this document?
Franklin: Yes.
Judge Gardephe: Did you read it?
Franklin: No.
Franklin: Jeff sent me a lot, I didn't open then all up.
Srebnick: These were CNN appearances of Mr. Avenatti, correct?
Franklin: Yes.
Srebnick: Did Mr Auerbach discuss with you the other factors that might attract Avenatti?
Franklin: I don't remember that.
Judge Gardephe: Did Mr. Auerbach ever tell you Mr. Avenatti might take the case for publicity?
Franklin: No.
Srebnick: Auerbach told you, We will appeal to their sense of justice
Franklin: Jeff's words
Franklin: I was referring to Carlton DeBose and Jamal James, they were Nike employees
Srebnick: Let me show you what Mr. Auerbach wrote. He think he only meant DeBose and James?
Franklin: Yes
Franklin: Yes. But I thought, because they were employees of Nike.
Srebnick: Offering this exhibit.
Judge Gardephe: Denied