Lamenting the future after the #WithdrawalAgreement? Done with #Brexit? Tired of the fight? Sad?
Either way, if you've got the #brexitblues #FBPE don't lose hope.
Instead, kick back, get popcorn and join me in a thread of #NotBrexitDone.
Because we need you even more

You see for 3.5 years we've been fighting. Two groups in an endless war of not listening to each other.
But wherever this goes now, there is no #Remain anymore. So say goodbye to it. Have a funeral for it.
Don't think for a moment I mean giving up 😍. It's move ⏭

The curve liberates you, you're aware. Think about the millions who just were bored with Brexit and wanted it over.
Or the other millions who believe in sunlit uplands.
Soon they'll be in severe #Debression when they realised they signed up to burn the family home.

What about the #outbrage when they finally realise there were many versions of Brexit and they're REALLY not getting the one they voted for?

Or maybe the #Bresentment as they learn how much the tories have moved #Brexit promises away from a reaction against austerity and globalisation and instead toward worse versions of both?

And it gets worse.
They're already promising "best and brightest", non-discriminatory trade, closer alignment with our " traditional friends in the Commonwealth"?
So the #brexasperation as we learn we're doing the opposite and making those countries worse off?

And the #brexitrayal as the #governmentoftheunequal after so much crap about respect is removing human rights conditions in its trade deals. Such as provisions against Modern Slavery that the UK led the world on.
It's not enough to believe; you must love Big Brother.

So #FBPE if you're depressed. If you think you're done. If you checked out.
I guess that's fine.
But who better than you to know the promises they made and ask where they are?
Your superpower is your knowledge. Can you stand by and watch? As people suffer?
Who better than you to fight for your country? At least half of it, has real people who need help through 5 years of #brexittrials
You know it's not safe in "brexit patriot" hands.
Like the generals of WW1 we're being sent over the top while they sup champagne.

As a resister you pointed out this is all lies.
As a participant you ask when are you going to get the promises?🔽