Probably pointless saying this but trust me, this comes from a place of love and inclusion (to a certain extent)
I am 1/4 black. I was raised initially by a single black man (with dreads) and watched him endure COUNTLESS racist incidents. That hurt me as a child. My dad was strong, seeing him be abused for his hair or skin hurt.
I am not black. I am not white. I am me.
Why, does it work differently with sex?
Being a woman is not a feeling. It's not a costume nor a persona.
I have seen men in dresses that look better than I ever could. I love to see a man in makeup, it makes me feel free.
Even the most feminine presenting male is biologically just that - a male.
This is a fact, not an insult.
What I will not do is sit back and watch the rights of an already victimized group be minimized.
Men wiping the floor with women in sports and women being told "this will help you achieve more - just train harder" is not ok.
Children being indoctrinated IS NOT OK.
Womens spaces no longer belonging to women is not ok.
Self id'ing is a whole unchartered territory that needs to be hashed out not run head first into.
I was told I'm not allowed to talk about my uterus in public incase it offends/triggers someone who doesn't have one...
I understand this is a sensitive topic but I think its important to speak on it #WomensRights
Going to take this moment to plug my YouTube & Instagram ofc ☺️