The Climate Law is the legal translation of our political commitment.
More here →!th76XU #EUGreenDeal
The Climate Law includes measures to keep track of progress and adjust our actions accordingly.
Progress will be reviewed every 5 years.
It is a broad initiative to give citizens and stakeholders a voice and role in designing new climate actions.
More →!th76XU #EUClimatePact #EUHaveYourSay
The inputs will be used to shape the #EUClimatePact, which will be launched before the UN Climate Change Conference taking place in Glasgow in November 2020 #COP26.
✅ Present the European Green Deal
✅ Adopt Green Deal Investment Plan
✅ Design a Just Transition Mechanism
✅ Propose the first ever Climate Law
Our to do list ⬇️!Cf87GM