A pen or pencil
A Notebook or notepad
A small box or container
It would also be great if you had
Your Cell Phone (we won't be calling)
An Eight Sided Die
But the last two are NOT necessary.
What it is, is part lesson, part simulator, of what writing comics is for most people working for a publisher.
At the end of sessions 2-5, we will have a short Q&A for specific questions.
If we all do it right, it'll be fun. But you'll learn a LOT about what we do.
Most important, DON'T WORRY, you can't mess this up. The only person grading you is YOU.
And we have a theme word for the day, and that word is FOCUS.
FOCUS in every aspect of the process.
Focus on an idea you believe in.
Focus on keeping it narrow and impactful.
That's our goal.
So your thesis at the end is going to be something manageable, something that can be accomplished.
A five-eight page complete story.
And at the end, you will have written a real, complete comic script, with a lot of help and suggestions from people who do this for a living.
Sound good?
I promise, they are anything but.
These two things can be the difference between writer and ASPIRING writer.
Pick up your cell phone, if you have one.
Turn it on. Go to camera mode.
What I am about to say is probably the most important thing we will cover.
See that person in your camera screen?
That person is the person who will say you aren't good enough, you're too busy, you're not from the right background or education.
Look at that smug bastard!
But this person onscreen may already be planning to hold you back.
And we all have that person in our screen.
I absolutely do, and I have run out of shelf space for the comics I've written.
We need to make that person our friend, our fan, and our supporter.
We'll work on it. But remember, it's not weird haters, it's not critics, it's not family who are our biggest hurdle. It's almost always us.
Because I'll guarantee you, speaking as a former hairdresser who lived in the boonies and never had been to a con, it CAN be done. It happens all the time.
Symptoms are waffling and a panicked feeling that you don't belong.
Take two Astro Citys and call me in the morning.
Take out your pen and notebook, if you have one.
Write them down on a sheet of paper. Just three.
Don't be afraid of them, and don't be worried what people think.
Just list three on the paper.
Folks. I promise. Half of your reasons are things that have been instilled into you, they aren't necessarily true.
I turned down comics offers because I thought I would suck at dialog.
EVERYONE thinks it's impossible until they try and find out it isn't. They MAY even find out they're good at it.
But at the very LEAST they can find out it can be done.
That's what we're going to do.
This isn't a joke, I'm serious.
The box is our ROADBLOCK BOX and it's going to come into play later.
I guarantee you, those Eisner winners? Most of them wrote the same kinds of things you did.
So screw those things, too.
We know the person we have to arm wrestle, and we put our excuses where they can't be heard.
So we have a blank page. And that's terrifying.
That blank page is the passport, the conduit between the thrilling ideas in YOUR head to the open receptors in everyone ELSE's.
You get to put stuff on it. Places and people.
That is the BEST part.
That's where that theme comes in.
A small idea executed perfectly, that's like a crystal goblet in the sun.
But it takes focus.
Because we are simulating NOT what you would write given endless freedom, we are simulating that you have a publisher and an editor.
5-8 pages, no more.
But writing as a pro means you are Voltron, you are part of a warrior robot made of several pieces. And the other limbs move differently.
So some things given to you will be curveballs.
So for the purpose of this exercise, do NOT use licensed characters, okay? I absolutely CANNOT check your work if you put Batman in it.
This is a safe thread, anyone being rude will just get flunked (and blocked).
It does NOT have to be pulling teeth.
You can make it fun, you can make rewarding.
If not, here is an online generator from the lovely folks at @Wizards_DnD.
You have to do a springboard.
This is called a springboard, and it's SHORT.
Two springboards, short notice. Can you create on the fly? Can you convey a great idea succinctly?
A springboard is the ignition key. Nothing goes without it.
EXTRA CREDIT: Roll the die to RANDOMLY pick a genre
EXTRA EXTRA: Roll twice to COMBINE two genres
2. Fantasy
3. Slice of life
4. Horror
5. Romance
6. Crime
7. Superhero
8. Comedy
Choose from these genres, OR roll for extra difficulty.
Marvel called me and said they were doing a 'weird romance' book. I had a set page number to fill.
That's what this mimics. It's very real world.
Congratulations, you are seriously on your way.
In the SAME genre you chose/rolled, create TWO separate springboards, separate ideas, no licensed characters.
And here's the twist...each has to fit in a single tweet.
But if you can do this, you will have a FOUNDATIONAL SKILL that pro writers have to have.
The ability to make a story from ingredients someone hurls at you.
Remember the person on the phone screen has a muzzle and the excuses are locked tight in the box.
It's just you, and your blank page.
Have fun. Don't torture yourself. Give yourself the chance to be good before self-criticizing.
Because we learn how to make our first page, tomorrow.
Don't worry about format or perfection. Sell your story ideas in ONE TWEET EACH.
Because that is a skill that will serve you your entire career.
Take your passion with you because that's what gets you through the nights when you have no idea what you're doing.
Passion is the second tool in your toolbox.
SCHOOL'S OUT, EVERYONE. See you tomorrow!
Good day, and stay away from the Kite-Eating Tree!
Upcoming topics include page layout, outlines, working with artists, editorial, and more. FUN!

You are MORE than welcome to hang out and discuss your ideas with each other in the gym, which is currently empty because Team Captain @JodyHouser had a Sloppy Joe Frito Pie and barfed on the volleyballs.