We will see things on TV we have only seen in other countries & hear death tolls that are hard to comprehend.
Right now it is in the public’s hands. 1/
If you like graphs and interpretations, this is pretty good analysis. @somuchweirdness liked it and she’s really discerning about sources & analysis. 3/
I’m going to say it. #StayTheFHome socially. I know it’s hard but it’s all we have to prevent our front line workforce from an onslaught. 5/
It stands for Case Fatality Rate.
It could be 1%. Or it could be 4, 5, 8%. And the experts tell me why. The Italians beg us to understand. Seattle is ranging the bell....6/
This happens without those things & you’re not fine. In the next two months, those things & the PPE to protect us will not appear. 6/
On this website you will see what happens in your state if you and others #StayHome and if you don’t. 7/

Now hospitals have a 2 week lag. That’s why it will get bad, but if you #StayHome now, 2 weeks from now will look better. 10/

If you can help with masks, we have a website. We will also be announcing one for other equipment and vents (slightly different). 11/
-Over 50 suppliers ave been added
19 volunteers are running this.
So I called the White House. They told me they have “200 million masks coming.” I said when? They said “2 weeks.” 12/
(I’m beating a dead horse. I know that. Speaking of dead horses,melts talk about Congress.)/12
Give them a shout out if you care to. /15
But Rand Paul got tested today and no Senator is more important than anyone else. 17/
Congress will get there if you push them. The Administration is behind. Governors are calling a fair amount— they have no answers but they are focused. The grass roots efforts move me to tears. 18/
This is important to my mom & I listen to her. 19/