• UK is finally locking down, as its death tolls reaches 355
• US death curve continues to steepen, passing 500 with no national lockdown
Live version 🔥 FREE TO READ 🔥 here ft.com/content/a26fbf…

• Wuhan was ground zero, but Lombardia has overtaken it as worst-hit region worldwide
• Madrid could be worse than Lombardia, and New York’s death trajectory looks steep
All charts here: ft.com/content/a26fbf…

Western cities and regions on or above Wuhan’s curve may face similar fates.
This chart and more of our lockdown indicators here: ft.com/content/d184fa…

• US confirmed case count rises above the rest
• Look at all those countries clustered around "doubling every 3 days". Governments must act now to get off that path.
• Read about flattening the curve: ft.com/content/e015e0…

Live versions of all charts here: ft.com/content/a26fbf…

Feedback is invaluable, and we incorporated several of your suggestions today.
I’ll continue getting back to as many people as possible.
Stay safe, and stay sane, everyone!
First to @hosu_lee, who rescued me by translating elusive Daegu data.
Second, to everyone who sent me data for Italian and Spanish regions and Wuhan.
Third, to @lisacrost, whose "deaths double every x days" labels I’ve lifted here.