Depending on how bad the virus (bad means ability to cause bad to you) is and how good your immune system is and the number of viruses attacking you can escape with a running nose
If the Virus Load in your Mouth and Nose is very very High
If the Virus that in your throat is a real bad virus that can damage your cells
If your immunity is weak
You will end up in ICU (or Mortuary . . Let us stop with ICU)
If the Virus Load in your Mouth and Nose is Low
If the Virus that enters you is a good virus that has less capacity to damage your cells
If your immunity is strong
You will not even know that the virus came to you as yoru immunity would have killed them
you have three parameters
1. High Load vs Low Load
2. Virus that can damage more vs Virus than can damage less
3. Good Immunity vs Bad Immunity
it is difficult to modify 2 and 3, but modifying factor 1 is easy
Read the previous three tweets and this again please
How to Reduce the Virus in Your Mouth
Make sure Less Virus Enters
Kill the Virus in your Nose, Mouth and Throat
Is there any doubt
I don't think there should be
If there is doubt, read thread again
To Answer this, let us recap the ways the virus enters your nose and mouth
1. From Your Finger
2. From Air
How to Prevent 1. From Your Finger
Wash hands with Water and Soap
If Water is not available, use Hand Sanitisers
1. Use Mask
N95 is best, but Disposable masks are also good, and even cloth masks are OK unless you work in a hospital
2. Meet Less People
Assume you meet 100 people daily
Of these 10 are infected
You are essentially giving 10 lakh viruses to your immune system
if you meet only 20 people and only if 2 are infected
You are giving only 2 lakh viruses
Which is Good ?
Which case has more chance of you reaching ICU
If you are meeting the 20 people, but they are sitting at a distance
Then even though 1 lakh viruses come out from their nose
Because of the distance, not all reach you
When you maintain a distance,
Even though the other person is infected,
less virus reaches you
This is why
you need Social Distancing and Meet less people
Another concept is Social Timing
What does this mean
Not only you maintain distance
Reduce your time of speaking
If you are talking for only 1 minute, it is just one lakh viruses
The key points are
1. Meet Less People per day
2. Maintain Social Distance
3. Keep the Time Short
Can you do this on a working day
In your working day, you may have to meet 200 to 500 people
That is why
Government has announced lockdown
The Real Aim is ((Less People, Less Talk, More Distance)) and to facilitate this, there is curfew
Will you get infected from them
Possible, not probable
THe viral load from 5 to 6 people will be very less and your immune system can deal with that
When you meet 500 to 600, it is tough
Can we do anything
The Virus will multiply in your throat
Kill it there
1. Brush Minimum 4 times a day - after waking up and after every meal.
If you take 6 meals, brush again
Mouth wash or Gargle with Hot Saline (Hot Water with Salt) every hour
This will ensure that the viruses which somehow enter your nose and mouth are finished off
Our Aim is to Prevent the VIrus from Going to Lungs
We prevent it from reaching (or reduce the load)your Throat by
1. Less People, Less Time, More Distance
2. Hand Washing
3. Mask
Prevent it multiplying in throat by
1. Brush
2. Mouth wash
3. Gargle
Let Doctors do their job
All you need to do is
1. Less People, Less Time, More Distance
2. Hand Washing
3. Mask
4. Brush
5. Mouth wash
6. Gargle
Any doubts, Please ask
I will explain