Allow me to summarize his key pts (thanks @Aligarciaherrer for flagging).…
2) WHO has recognized human-to-human transmission on 24 Jan, delaying declaration of an emergency
WHO does not depend for its budget on China, which gives a very small voluntary contribution.
Such a large discrepancy can only be explained by WHO’s low level of mandatory funding from UN member states.
There are other examples of these courting a China that does not deliver.
In 2018, China contributed a paltry 1.3m of specified voluntary contribution, US contributed 1600m & EU 1200m!
And there is the never extinct hope that Beijing will contribute more in the future!!!
The question therefore becomes: how reliable WHO really is when major epidemics originate in China?
There never was a word about the delay between December 31st and January 23, including the catastrophic failure to stop all Chinese New Year travel at home and abroad.
Those are @FGodement words. His paper here:…