Mar 11th 11PM EST
-126,135 =113 Countries & 🇨🇳
-4,630 have died🌎
-68,216 have recovered🌎
-80,932 Cases in 🇨🇳
-12,462 #Italy
-9,000 #Iran
-7,755 #SouthKorea
-2,284 #France
#COVID19seattle #NC #CA #MA #CT
1/11 #US #COVIDー19 Stats 👇🏾

March 11th 11PM EST
1,311 #Coronavirus cases
373 in #Washington - most # of cases
36 states & DC have confirmed cases
339 new cases
38 have died: #WA #CA #FL #NJ #SD
👀 Community Prep Resources 👇🏾
#CoronavirusUSA #COVID19US
#NYC #Seattle #LosAngeles #OC

Since the World Health Org has declared #COVID-19 a global pandemic, we thought it best to share some basic info starting with an infographic and our Personal Protection thread which includes a Pandemic Guide:
🔗 #Coronavirus

#SantaClarita #OC #Ventura #SantaClara #PaloAlto #Seattle
#Manhattan #Bronx #Queens #Brooklyn #MA

- reducing the number of deaths
- #flatteningthecurve or lessening impact
But timing the measures is key. Timing made all the difference for #SouthKorea & #Singapore, not so much in #Italy. #Seattle #Bellevue #Tacoma…
#SanDiego #Sacramento

Locate your local health department by going to:
#Englewood #FtLee #Camden #Bergen #Newark #NJ #CT #Bridgeport #NewHaven #Stamford #MA #VT #SD