1. I now realize most meetings I travel to are a waste of time.
2. I like seeing into the background of people's homes.
3. Air quality! Companies should adopt more days of teleworking.
5. Less stressful choosing a movie in the evening.
6. I like having an excuse to *not* go to stuff.
7. Realizing there's folks I've been taking for granted.
8. Realizing there's folks I don't really need in my life.
10. I realize I've been eating out too much in general.
11. I like when people are united over something.
12. I have upgraded my ideas of what good governing means to me.
14. I'm hopeful that certain people will see the value in science again.
15. Nice to be reminded of just how interconnected we all are.
16. Nice to see some jobs/workers being valued more than in the past.
18. (related to 17) Bidets are awesome.
19. I don't actually care about *most* of my clothes, when it comes down to it.
20. I don't really care about most of my stuff, either, come to think about it.
21. It's all about the people.