#Libya #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrime #terrorism #NATOCRIMES #WorldHypocrisy #Imperialism
#LNA #Jordanian-made #KADDB Al-Wahsh 4x4 ISV and Palmaria 155 mm Self-Propelled Howitzer Southern #Tripoli #Libya
Told @jmalsin @WSJ that US policy shift in #Libya contributed to planting the seeds of a protracted conflict wsj.com/articles/trump…
PC member al-Majbari calls on UN Secretary General to “rein in” Sarraj
#Libya #LibyaNews #News #The_Address #Libya
The Libyan Address Journal
Maj. Gen. Madi: A civil state can’t exist with the presence of militias and the spread of arms outside the authority of the state
#Libya #LibyaNews #News #The_Address #Libya
The Libyan Address Journal
Fresh revelations about GNA employing foreign pilots
#Libya #LibyaNews #News #The_Address #Libya
The Libyan Address Journal
LAN team visit wounded soldiers in Benghazi Medical Center
#Libya #LibyaNews #News #The_Address #Libya
The Libyan Address Journal
LNA is expected to open new front in Sirte
#Libya #LibyaNews #News #The_Address #Libya
The Libyan Address Journal
Marshal Haftar meets with Macron on Wednesday
#Libya #LibyaNews #News #The_Address #Libya
The Libyan Address Journal
Our alliance with GNA just for fighting Haftar
#Libya #LibyaNews #News #The_Address #Libya
The Libyan Address Journal
Libyan National Army (LNA) Spokesman, Brig. Gen. Ahmed al-Mismari: Terrorist militias began to disappear after targeting their commanders in Tripoli
#Libya #LibyaNews #News #The_Address #Libya
The Libyan Address Journal
Libyan National Army (LNA) Spokesman, Brig. Gen. Ahmed al-Mismari: LNA forces are approaching Tripoli sorroundings
#Libya #LibyaNews #News #The_Address #Libya
The Libyan Address Journal
Libyan National Army (LNA) Spokesman, Brig. Gen. Ahmed al-Mismari: After Tripoli-based Government of National Accord lost many warplanes, it began using Turkish drones to target LNA forces
#Libya #LibyaNews #News #The_Address #Libya
🇱🇾National Army Spokesman, Brig. Gen. Ahmed al-Mismari: ISIS movements in Southern 🇱🇾came with the escalation of strikes in the Tripoli operation & the start of the second phase & the defeat & collapse of the defense lines of the ter... bit.ly/30gQooP
Libyans Increasingly Look to #Haftar and #Russia to Pull #Libya from Muslim Brotherhood's Failed State is.gd/FXtBir #FailedState #GNA #LNA #Reconstruction #War

18 military mercenaries expert from #Kazakhstan to support #Haftar
In his atrack vs #Tripoli

I saw this very plane b4 , here in twitter +1 year ago , used by #haftar to import african mercenaries .. i'll look 4 that post later .

#Oops !
I found my old plane #pic #tweet ! Jun 2017
#Haftar used the same cargo planes i think in #jufra air base or #brakshati ab
, to deliver the E&J sudanese mercenaries to used them as [LNA]
#BreakingNews: #Haftar's Air Force targets locations in Ain Zara district in southern #Tripoli #Libya

#BreakingNews: Airstrike by #Haftar's militias on Tajoura, eastern #Tripoli, hits civilian houses and a whole family is reportedly injured

#BreakingNews Photos: Civilians - including kids - injured in airstrike by #Haftar's militias on Tajoura in eastern #Tripoli #Libya

[ Tajura ] east #Tripoli shelled randomly by grad rockets from #Haftar gangs at the area of [ souq lakhmees ] .
,Civilians there in a serious situation
@UNSMILibya @hrw @UNHumanRights @UNcoordLibya @HRF

#haftar air force raids a civilian house in the area of [ Tajura ] 2 hours ago , casualties rcorded

The civilian victims due the air strike by #haftar air force on [ Tajura ] district in #Tripoli #Libya
@UN @UN_HRC @UNcoordLibya @hrw @hrw_ar @HRF

🇫🇷&🇦🇪continue to heavily bomb #Tripoli every night together with their terrorist in🇱🇾rogue General #Haftar & his terrorist Salafist militias.A whole family was targeted in Tajoura, including this child. Awaiting confirmed casualty count
This missile has killed a mother and injured 2 of her children..
No european government has condemned #Haftar attack on #Tripoli yet and they are talaking to us only about #terrorism !!
I’m afraid this is becoming normalized. France continues to support this terrorism and wants #Libya-ns to negotiate with the cowardly war criminal behind this #Haftar #Tripoli
An injuredChild is being asked“what fell on your house?”& he responds w“I think it was a rocket”Meanwhile the🇫🇷ambassador to🇺🇳wants dialogue w the perpetrators..dialogues aren’t an option,we don’t want to make deals or discuss🇱🇾w terrorists
4 hhá 4 horas
#شاهد | أحد الأطفال المصابين جراء قصف قوات #حفتر على منطقة #تاجوراء يروي جريمة القصف على منزلهم
In the hospital and #Tripoli #libya #civilians #children and #women arriving after their house were bombed by airstrike. Some are dead
An nonexploded bomb launched by an #LNA airplane against a #GNA military base in #tripoli downtown. #libya
No base around. Have confirmed. This was not the only strike. Another missile was fired against a closed compound with nothing inside some 500m away. The airstrikes look to be indiscriminate. #libya #tripoliwar Trípoli
🇱🇾: Munition fragments found at Tripoli 'appear to be from LJ-7 missiles', which are carried by🇨🇳-made Wing Loong armed drones. The only belligerent known to use these drones in🇱🇾 is the🇦🇪which supports rebel LNA forces. aerohisto.blogspot.com/2019/04/remain…

Libya was thriving, Its resources provided free healthcare, college education etc for Libyan citizens globalresearch.ca/libya-ten-thin… before US destroyed it all for Israel globalresearch.ca/greater-israel… & banksters federaljack.com/wow-that-was-f…
Night airstrikes by #Haftar's forces on #Tripoli cause civilian casualties
#Libye : depuis le début de l'offensive du maréchal #Haftar les affrontements et les bombardements ont fait au moins 432 morts et plus de 55.000 déplacés selon l'@ONU_fr . @UNLibyan

#France's President #EmmanuelMacron intends to have a meeting with Marshall Khalifa #Haftar to seek a solution to the Libyan civil war. #Libya
People in #Qasr_bin_Ghasher Southern #Tripoli talking about #GNA air force strikes on their houses and vehicles #Libya
Aftermath of #GNA air force strikes on #Qasr_bin_Ghasher Southern #Tripoli #Libya (1)
Aftermath of #GNA air force strikes on #Qasr_bin_Ghasher Southern #Tripoli #Libya (2)
You need an overview on the rebuilding of the Libyan National Army Air Force and Navy ? Please read my new analyse for @MiddleEastEye : "The rise of Libya’s renegade general: How Haftar built his war machine" shar.es/a0WnHn #Libya #LNA #Tripoli #Haftar
May 15
Battle For Tripoli: GNA Claims It's Pushing Haftar's Forces Back, While LNA Says It's Progressing southfront.org/battle-for-tri…
Military Situation In Libya On May 15, 2019 (Map Update) southfront.org/military-situa…
Footage recorded three days ago for #LNA units in #Khelat_AlFergan Southern #Tripoli #Libya
Footage recorded last night fter #LNA managed to repel #GNA attacks on #Tripoli airport and #Asbiya
BTW: #Haftar, educated & trained in #USA by the #CIA. My article him 2 yrs ago (via #Newsbud) exposed him & predicted all this. - - - “Battle drones are being deployed for the first time to defend the Libyan capital from a warlord” independent.co.uk/news/world/mid…
Here’s one of my pieces on #CIA’s #Haftar from 2018: Israel's Mossad Replaces CIA as Handler of Libyan Strongman Khalifa Haftar #Newsbud Report By Sibel Edmonds bit.ly/2uJyXfy
Just like with my news & analyses on #Turkey (whether on (#Khashoggi concoction or #S400) my expose of #CIA’s #Haftar #Libya ahead of Censoring #MSM by year or two😉🇮🇱's Mossad Replaces CIA as Handler of🇱🇾Strongman Haftar By Sibel Edmonds bit.ly/2uJyXfy
Of course being ahead of #MSM, sometimes by years, doesn’t make me a genius or clairvoyant! It only means: I am #independent this not bound by #DeepState permission or censorship criteria. This is why I’ve gone my own way, my way, via #Newsbud
As far as the “Real” #Khashoggi case goes: Considering the place I currently reside, I am not able to tell the story ...YET. It is anything but the concoction sold to the public here and abroad.
.@Filomen03258997 @FortRussNews Only if they have control of all the $$$ and resources. The lemmings literally fall for the BS everytime, "War for profit under the disguise of a humanitarian crisis"! Not sure they will ever wake up.