- 5119/mil tests
- 66% recovery rate
- 31% active cases
- 2.23% mortality
- 3% growth rate, which needs to be down further.
The state is doing fine so far!! #rajasthancoronaupdate

#Maharashtra 14.63%, highest
Trouble: Delhi, Telangana, Bihar & Gujarat, need intervention.
Excellent: Andhra, Karnataka, J& K positive rate below 1.5%.
Good: Rajashthan, Haryana, UP #COVID19India

@CMOMaharashtra thank you.

2️⃣~70 cases Vs. ~9000 tests. 0.77% positive rate.
3️⃣~1 death/day in last 30 days.
Data: @nathvani_ravi Thank You 🙂

1️⃣ Recovery>active just one parameter
2️⃣5000 t/d.👎Positive rate - 8% avg.
3️⃣Death Rate(%)-6% avg. (National avg 2.8%)
Data:@covid19indiaorg @nathvani_ravi

1️⃣Positive rate(%), avg. 13.79, June 6-33.37%😅
2️⃣3.52% mortality rate
3️⃣Recovery is steady, active is ⬆️ faster.
Screenshot of data is attached. 😌

Data:@covid19indiaorg & @nathvani_ravi

1️⃣4108 T/mil
2️⃣0.37% CFR
3️⃣100% use of primary healthcare system.
Odisha's COVID response timeline attached. #OdishaFightsCorona

A small analysis of #Odisha COVID situation. I congratulate you all on this extraordinary success. #BandeUtkalaJanani 🙏