"As QAnon influencers and their followers are pushed off mainstream platforms.... There, they may be exposed to more extremist content, like that of white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups."
Following people down their unhinged rabbit holes - the job of people who make the call when to put up the filter & message - takes a #mentalhealth toll.
This almost seems like saying water is wet, though. How wouldn’t one also become unhinged?
I saw these kinds of trends happening on #MedTwitter as well among a sizable fraction of people who were scouring #socialmedia for people saying/doing "wrong" things. This advice given but who is advising #STEM ppl how to manage any #mentalheath spin out?
What do we do about ppl like this who work alongside us in hospitals, clinics? They have valid credentials & trusted. Whereas a lie about a hijab-wearing Congresswoman was shared on FB by a healthcare worker, this pharmacist's odd beliefs not a red flag:
"Brandenburg told authorities the sky is a 'shield put up by the government to prevent individuals from seeing God.'
Officials from the hospital initially said they believed a human error led to more than 50 vials of the Moderna vaccine being removed from a freezer"
Assumed: 😇
We really should always start with an assumption of innocence...for EVERYONE. But the actual threats to our society & systems today look "mainstream" - half of America & some of our own #MedTwitter#healthcare colleagues have abandoned logic & #science.
I have to interrupt your doomscrolling this thread w/ a cute "flash mob" proposal tho. It's your #mentalhealth break from me. (It's a bit of a disappointing "mob" in size to tbh but sooooo cute/sweet). Sorry I'm a total sap & *love* these videos. 😍🥰❤️
One more: I just adore this one & it has real dancers at their own wedding. After this we can go back to doom & gloom conspiracies again & colleagues who may want to kill me.
So why couldn't we spot people like that pharmacist? Look at what non-clinical #MedTwitter tends to police. Agree with all @GIMaPreceptor put in this thread. Was this communication over who gets to use "moral injury" worth blocking over? Why fragile egos?
This is not isolated. Inside hospitals & clinics, being a rational, factual pro-science person who verifies & validates, can put one at odds with some colleagues. I've personally experienced that. Some pro-science folks are leaving the U.S. entirely.
the seemingly intellectual & rational get fixated on petty details like "no you can't use moral injury"
others are entirely anti-science & flat earth while working in #healthcare
This is not just about social media then
There are multiple social connection mechanisms apart from social media. My community's faith gatherings have been scrutinized & spied upon for decades. While 1st amendment is an essential right, there should be separation of church & state not this: rollingstone.com/culture/cultur…
This is level of spying that has occurred w/ tax dollars - to the point of sending undercover police on college white water rafting trips. What was safety & value delivered to the taxpayer while white domestic terrorism growing?
UK takes it further to ask preschoolers to spy on toddlers at risk of becoming terrorists. But is this really the way we teach critical thinking? Isn't critical thinking that we need more of? What you see in the QAnon is not any single coherent ideology.
Is religion really the issue?
Or is this inherent to human #brain for survival?
"..we are largely the descendants of humans who made false-positive errors; natural selection ensured this perpetuation"
"..defensive about themselves..more likely..to embrace conspiracy theories, perhaps to deflect blame for their shortcomings..feelings of powerlessness, anxiety, isolation.. alienation.. feel..are insignificant cogs in the political machinery assume.. nefarious influences"
If this is correct #MedTwitter then most approaches to #SciComm are dead wrong, ineffective, a waste of time & effort.
Don't lead with "I am a scientist/expert" & pelt with facts from superior knowledge. Be a fellow "seeker" & ask questions.
Tbh, I’ve faced off against enough lawyers in public hearing when I was a public official & their tactics
once I sense somebody is not engaging in good faith
is ego-driven
I sometimes get perverse pleasure from watching them squirm😈
In MBTI terms, tho am an NF, can switch to NT
In reality, though, this is me.
I know, I know, MBTI is hooey
But it aligns with Big 5 which is validated. So there😆
In actual performance, I make people feel good when negotiating with me while still getting a good deal
= tactical empathy
Effective #SciComm too
Example: multiple issues into one post. I gain respect by doing the activity (darn well), within my own safety standards. I then point out how the @AmerAcadPeds took on the NRA gag on #pediatrician. So I stay fully authentic & factual.
Or this with 16.3K views, 32 comments, various reshares. I say pretty direct things about sexism on #LinkedIn. But like the flash mob tweets above, intersperse with fun, happy, inspiring posts that allow anyone to see their daughter, niece, grandchild
That’s another missed opportunity in #SciComm to combat conspiracies: humor. If wellbeing helps reduce appeal of conspiracies then endorphin release has got to be worth trying. Obviously, one must use good judgment when employing humor or fun.
Being snarky, condescending, dismissive, sarcastic, or ridiculing only reinforces the drivers discussed above. It is not tactical empathy and alienates those already feeling alienated.
Not only experience, which is important, but clinical #research does not parse out the Japanese man or woman from the South Asian man or woman on heart disease risk, epidemiology, treatment.
I would like to point out I was already following him & had watched all his videos, long before he got the 7 million views, record deal, or noticed by Kermit or Andrew Lloyd Webber
Also, if you notice a pattern of certain women who are very concerned about “cancel culture”, these are often women whose income, power, position comes from those men who avoid/fear accountability.
There is no reason to be afraid of women if one already was doing the right thing. Have good ethics yourself and have a good radar for that yourself. I have NEVER had problems with male mentors as we align on values/mission first. We work through trust.
If you are playing a dirty game or don’t have standards to who you hire, do business with, etc (or no standards to own behavior), yeah, I get why you are paranoid.
Drain your own swamp then.
Not all women are pawns in a man’s game like:
Those of us who affirmed our own agency and power by learning from and with our moms. My mom’s stories are her own but she and I together have unpacked many cultural myths to learn better self compassion, willingness to identify racism, less perfectionism.
💪🏽💪🏻💪🏿 @DrvanTilburg
This is a type of trauma many WOC/POC experience. My mom’s hair is extremely thick, textured. I recall her being very fixated on making sure her own hair & our hair was always incredibly neat.
More recently I’ve come to understand this matches an experience of having black hair.
Many feel professionally unsafe, especially those working in academia & hospitals, too. If you look at the stories of @ayshakhoury@uche_blackstock@timnitGebru you see this over and over. This exists on a spectrum and tolerating “mild” hate, racism, & bigotry is a slippery slope
It can also kill. Look at how #drsusanmoore was treated in the hospital
then posthumously called “intimidating” by same nurses who should have been caring for (not Karening) her
clinician at your bedside to care may be of #insurrection beliefs
If you want to understand a woman, look at her mother - at least true of me
My mom? As a new immigrant to America, when she encountered an unfair Eurocentric rule from her English Lit grad program? She wrote a paper & got the rule changed
Owned her power
My mom and I are the same in core values but opposite externally. She uses maybe 1/100th of the words that I do and is intensely private. I am out climbing literal mountains while she prefers to stay in and read books and my dad’s #engineering journals.
My mom is an introvert who thinks 10x before speaking w/ surgical precision, educated by German nuns & British educational system
We are Urdu-speaking