Set up a black flag operation; 1st by having my mole include Chad in the Muslim travel ban so they abandon Niger

Manipulate egos & dangle a sugar plum hero, black flag set-up
covert operation in Niger to bait Gen. Kelly.

Have Trump tell Kelly to keep it secret from untrustworthy Mattis/ the other military services so Army looks heroic
Sign a joint military agreement with Niger on Aug. 10th to ostensibly “protect them” from ISIS.
Tell Trump & Kelly; US & Russia/ Russian air cover, will be heroes on Oct 4 for taking out a major ISIS faction
Have Trump tell Kelly to secretly have a private evac contractor on standby in case anything went wrong.
Investigate, then have Trump publicly blame Mattis for incompetence which cost 4 American lives.

Finish by having anti-Trump liberals look like cowards & ISIS sympathizers.
- French Air Force made sure there were survivors.
- Evac contractor deserted Sgt. Johnson.
Find out who listed Chad in Trump's Muslim ban. They are likely the Putin mole who started the Niger set-up.

Did Kelly list Chad on Trump’s new Muslim travel ban?
Did Trump hire the Niger Evac contractor?
Did the bodies go through Ramstein?