1. The UK passport was always being redesigned in 2019 #DespiteBrexit
2. We could have had blue while in the EU (but would had to ignore EU recommendations to do so, without Croatia's unique excuse)
3. It is a shame we cannot unify around a common design
🇫🇷 No way of getting foreign influence out of the passport Brexiteers! The word comes from "passé porte” the french for “to pass through (the gate)”. FRENCH.
👑 The first equivalent was a "safe conduct letter", issued 1414 under Henry V 😮
🇬🇧 De La Rue
🇳🇱 Gemalto*
🇫🇷 Oberthur
*In negotiations to be bought by Atos (yes, from DWP fame). I can only imagine the freak out that will happen if that purchase goes though and they win the passport contract