I hope you'll follow along and share with others.

I think it's possible to miss the forest for the trees with this book, and in analyzing a few short excerpts I don't want to contribute to that mistake. 1/
The money he put in, he put in as a loan, putting his campaign in debt from the jump. 2/

Think about Trump's Moscow trip and the Ritz Moscow as you read this. It answers the question: would Trump care about kompromat? 3/

A businessman who can't read a balance sheet? A very easy mark. 4/

We know Papadopoulos had done Trump a big service—so this claim checks out. 11/

And it will be looked at *much* more in the coming few months. 18/

"The former Russia desk-chief for MI6—using the Russian HUMINT he developed during his years with MI6—told five media outlets that his sources say Putin has 'kompromat' on Trump. We called the CIA; they've confirmed the claim as accurate." 29/

But of course his *real* thought was about Russia—the rest of it was pure Trumpian backpedalling. 34/

Just what I was hoping for in the man with his tiny fingers on America's nuclear button. 39/
Will post more as I find it, hopefully soon! 40/
As was the desperate need—per Bannon—to please and get close to Putin. 46/

Was this before or after Trump refused to fire Flynn, threatened to re-hire him, tried to stop his prosecution, called him to tell him to "stay strong," floated a pardon, fired Comey for prosecuting him, and had his lawyers enter into a cooperation deal with his? 73/

In *this* one, the *opposite* thing happened. The opposite of *all* of that. 74/
Yes, what did Flynn "rope" Trump—the poor fawn!—into? Horrors!
Michael, there's some starry-eyed mid-level staffer BS you flag for the circular file and keep out of your book. C'mon, man. 76/

Except for the eyewitness report of Trump trying to rig the 2002 Miss Universe pageant to give the crown to Putin's girlfriend—which he then did.
Oh—and everything that happened from 2002 through 2015: deals with Russian mafia, suspicious Russian payments, you know. 77/

Summary impression: Wolff makes Trump look like a fool but lands few *major* punches. The significance of the worst fact—Trump didn't aim to win—has been missed. 79/