#ReleaseTheMemos #ReleaseTheReferral

A fired up Senator Grassley takes to the floor to protest the Obama Admins July 2015 legal opinion that neutered the Inspectors General.
In addition to having primary oversight of the FBI/DOJ, the SJC also has primary oversight of #FOIA. It is in this capacity that Grassley begins his investigation by triggering the State Dept IG. PDF>grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/…

Note the IG and Grassley information cycle.
IG Report>>Grassley>>further questions for IG>>Grassley (repeat as needed)
"In 1978 following the lessons of the Watergate Scandal congress created the IGs...IGs need access to agency records that's why the law authorizes IGs to access ALL, I want to emphasize that word, ALL RECORDS."
Full Speech>
"The FBI is investigating this matter as well as several other investigations, we keep hearing that the FBI's inquiry is just a "security review" and not a criminal inquiry so let me tackle that." Full Speech>
In a scathing letter Grassley officially turns his sights on the Comey/Lynch FBI/DOJ. He points out the obvious conflicts of interest and brings up the need for a Special Counsel. (pg 7)

Grassley rests his FOIA oversight case against the State Dept's FOIA violations. A significant case that led directly to the corruption in the Comey/Lynch Obama FBI/DOJ.
Full Remarks>>archive.is/N290X
Speech: c-span.org/video/?410206-…

Grassley lays out his case against Comey/Lynch handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Comey will be unable to adequately respond to this letter.

Grassley wants to know why the DOJ isn't investigating the CF and if the secret server turned up evidence of CF activity. Lynch runs out the clock on this letter planning on a Hillary win in November.

Comey is also running out the clock by bundling unclassified documents with classified documents, and ordering they not be separated. Comey violated the law (EO 13526) He would do this again for Iran Deal Docs in Sept.

"The FBI improperly bundled these unclassified reports with a very small amount of classified information and told the Senate to treat it all as classified."
Full Speech>
Astonished Grassley/Nunes/Goodlatte/Chaffetz letter to Lynch
DOJ lawyers drafted letters WITH/FOR Mills Samuelson attorney agreeing to destroy laptops and severely limit the scope of the Clinton investigation!

Grassley calls on Inspector General Michael Horowitz to investigate the FBI and Department of Justice improper handling of the Clinton investigation. Note: attached letters. (Open PDF and read all)

S.579/H.R.6450 Inspector General Empowerment Act passes the Senate.
A major victory for Grassley who wrote the initial legislation.
Grassley Summary>grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/…
Full Law PDF>congress.gov/114/bills/hr64…

A newly empowered IG announces his investigation into the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in advance of the 2016 election. PDF> oig.justice.gov/press/2017/201…

An IG investigation creates an information loop as I outlined above with the State IG. Grassley knows this which is why he shifts gears to lay the foundation for more questions. SJC>>IG>>>SJC>>>IG
Grassley opens his 2017 sequence of demand letters with a bang!
12 questions for Comey regarding the FBI's relationship with Richard Steele and the #SteeleDossier

Knowing that Andy recused himself from the Clinton investigation Grassley wants to know about his involvement with the Trump investigation with 12 questions. I found 10-12 rather interesting.

Comey is not responding to March Steele inquiry and Grassley has uncovered new information about Steele and #FusionGPS. March questions still stand and he piles on more! This is the start of an important line of questioning!

This demand letter is epic! Just 72 hours after assuming his position Rod gets BURIED with all the unanswered questions from October & March. In typical Grassley fashion he adds more!

Grassley leads off his opening statement with #SteeleDossier and #FusionGPS. Comey is fired less than a week later.
Full Statement: judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/…
Full Video>
Grassley follows up his March 6th demand letter to Comey with one to Rosenstein and McCabe, zeroing in on classified FBI FISA applications and FISC documents. (Note the same trajectory as Goodlatte)

Grassley releases sworn testimony from Bill Browder that #FusionGPS took money from the Russian government; and second that it did so while it was working on the #SteeleDossier PDF>grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/…

Grassley letter to Wray on the drafting of Comey's Statement exonerating Hillary. Grassley uses testimony from Rybicki and DOJ Lawyer confirm the statement was crafted before Clinton and 16 others were interviewed. (pgs 2-3)

Grassley on target with key questions for Wray
If the FBI was so concerned about the Trump campaign being infiltrated by the Russians why didn't they alert candidate Trump, who Comey admitted WAS NOT under surveillance?

Grassley forwards court testimony by Steele to Wray, poses interesting questions, and demands FBI docs to compare to Steele's testimony.
Start of an important sequence! #SteeleDossier PDF>grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/…

A mere 3 days after Wray provides Grassley with Comey draft excerpts. He demands it all in original format. Note how Chuck builds his doc requests one upon the other and shares each step with the public.

Grassley demand letter to Wray regarding Strzok texts.
Important to note that Grassley copies Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

Grassley demand letter to Rosenstein regarding #StrzokPageTexts. Wants them. Since the bundling episode with Comey he is now ending his demands for classified docs referencing EO 13526. Note: copies IG Michael Horowitz.

Grassley turns his sights on Comey over the leaking of classified information. (Comey memos) He demands answers from Rosenstein to 8 questions. Note number 3.

Grassley refers Steele to the DOJ/FBI for a criminal investigation. Grassley releases the referral cover page by separating it from the classified supporting evidence. Both House and Senate Intel Cmtes copied

Grassley issues a statement on the reason for the criminal referral. He let's us know that he ALSO has a classified memo that he is trying to get released! Unlike Nunes he needs to go through DOJ. #ReleaseTheMemo

Grassley publicly sics the IG on the missing #StrzokPageTexts and the questions they raise. (IG is already on it) In addition to text recovery, read to see what else the IG is looking at for Grassley.

In his 17 minute speech Grassley reveals important details about his investigation into Steele and the FBI.
"If those [FBI] documents are not true, and there are serious discrepancies that are no fault of Mr. Steele, then we have another problem—an arguably more serious one. #ReleaseTheMemo
"Judiciary Cmte has access to the same information that House Intel Cmte saw before drafting ITS SUMMARY MEMO. Our cmte doesn't have the same authority to release classified information. We have to rely on the agency to review & potentially DECLASSIFY OUR MEMO"
Grassley gave the IG until the 29th to respond to his #StrzokPageTexts questions. The IG responds early on the 25th informing Grassley (and us) that the texts have been found.

Grassley reacts to the IG by immediately sending a demand letter to Wray. Two questions have to do with a SC to investigate Clinton. The answers to those questions will beget more questions that lead to a SC.

Link to all letters>grassley.senate.gov/news/news-rele…