1336 Datasets:
Defining NR Functional Enhancers (NRFEs)
Enhancer Activation
sNR Cross-Talk

📌Describes the relationship between an organism’s genotype (genetic makeup, DNA sequence) and phenotype (observable traits) on a global scale
📌A key characteristic is the genome-wide scale, rather than a more traditional “gene-by-gene” approach
-Blueprint for life
-Made of DNA
-Act as instructions to make proteins
📌Gene Expression:
DNA sequence is first copied to make an RNA molecule (transcription),
which is then "decoded" to build a protein (translation)
Proteins=Building Blocks Of Life
Transcription Initiation Complex:
📌Requires contact w/ activator proteins
📌Activator proteins bind to enhancers (far away)
📌A large # of activator proteins have been identified, including steroid nuclear receptors (sNRs)
✔️Estrogen→Estrogen Receptor
✔️Androgen→Androgen Receptor
✔️Progestin→Progesterone Receptor
✔️Glucocorticoid→Glucocorticoid Receptor
✔️Mineralocorticoid→Mineralocorticoid Receptor
📌ChIP-Seq: Used to identify where a protein interacts with the genomic DNA
📌>3000 published studies have used ChIP-Seq
📌The final readout is a list of peak locations in the genome (each peak is defined by a start point & end point)
📌Detects protein-DNA coassociation
📌The Problem
Most proteins show widespread association with genomic DNA
📌Distinguishing functional protein-DNA coassociation from nonfunctional is a challenge for every field in biology
Detected ChIP-Seq peaks on chromosomes👇
📌Only small fraction of the protein-DNA interactions result in gene expression
📌This functionality is restricted to the consensus element and DNA elements that vary from the consensus element by 1 or 2 nucleotides