1. The shooting was supposed to occur during the 1st fire drill WHEN Hogg was interviewing kids in the closet@ 9:30am.
Something failed. Time was reset.
#QAnon #FloridaSchoolShooting @realDonaldTrump @POTUS #GreatAwakening #ResignSheriffIsrael
I had actually downloaded it to my YouTube account and saved it and played it again before posting that tweet! THEY STRIPPED THE VIDEO FROM YOU TUBE!
#Corruption #censorship #QAnon @POTUS @realDonaldTrump #GreatAwakening
Did he forget to leave his fingerprints behind or sometbing?
#QAnon #FloridaSchoolShooting
Maybe he wasn't supposed to leave the school alive. Maybe he was supposed to be feeling suicidal, being all depressed and all.
#QAnon #FloridaSchoolShooting #GreatAwakening @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
Door slammed shut. Done!
#QAnon #FloridaSchoolShooting @realDonaldTrump