Here's a brief thread noting some of these common features.
"The Irish border thus remains the key battleground in the war of attrition that is the UK-EU Brexit talks."
This has the effect of asserting that if UK moves on red lines here it loses the Brexit war.
Thus raising the stakes & raising tensions.
It sees Irish intentions as barely disguised irredentism.
Yet lays all responsibility for progress on Irish govt accepting "practical solutions".
It lauds Karlsson's Smart Border 2.0 report.
It says EU's "dismissal of technological options is being used for wider political purposes."
It assumes a hard border is determined by whether there is physical infrastructure at the border.
It appears not to be overly familiar with customs procedures.
Nor with the systems that already exist. E.g. Says inspections of animal products coming into NI from GB could be used as a "fallback", but this already happens.
"We are now in a situation of irresistible forces & immovable objects. One side will have to back down & this clearly cannot be the UK, wh has the firmest of red lines"
But Winner Takes All = anathema to post-1998 Agmt NI