Yes, your Vote ☑️ is amplified 3X by voting in the SC primary!
Save The Date (June 12) & Vote!…

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Don't fall for Fake 🐘,Democrats!
YOU have a chance to oust Joe (You Lie) Wilson! #JoeMustGo
Meet @VoteCarrigan, 🇺🇸Vet & #TrueBlue 🌊Dem.
He believes in #equality4all #education & #HealthCareForAll!
Please Follow, Retweet, & DONATE:

Check ☑️out @JoeCunninghamSC!
Joe cares about #education #environment #vets #healthcare #votingrights #justice & the #economy. And, he has a plan for all of them.
👉Join me in supporting Joe:…

Check out @VoteSamEdwards!
She is for #Equality #CleanEnergy & fair #Immigration laws.
Let's support Sam for the SC Statehouse:
Donate 👉…
#GOTV #BlueWave #Equality4All #District85 #SCPol

Don't fall for Fake 🐘Democrats!
Make sure you #RegisterToVote & on June 12th vote for @Mal4Congress!
He has a plan for #healthcare #economy #enviroment #justice4all #ss #equality & more.
#BlueWave2018 🌊

Do we want another do-nothing 🐘republican?
We want a REAL 🇺🇸AMERICAN HERO who will fight for us!
@JamesSmithSC is our guy!
Check out
Then👉 DONATE:… …

Check out @Archie4Congress!
He's the #TrueBlue🌊 candidate running against 🔫"Gunslinger" Ralph Norman.
We NEED people like Archie in D.C.
He cares about #healthcare #ss #taxes #education #equalrights & the planet!

Check out @VoteLeeTurner!
She's the #TrueBlue🌊 candidate running for Trey Goudy’s former seat.
We NEED people like Lee in D.C.
She cares about #education, #healthcare, #equalrights, & the #economy!