The Lady’s hot for turning.
Long list of Theresa May’s U-turns, back downs & collapses highlighting not only her incompetence with poor policy choice, but her complete inability to stand up to pressure from opposition.
Announced by then Home Secretary Amber Rudd at 2016 Tory Conference, dropped just 4 days later following comparisons with “North Korea and Nazi Germany” (Rudd’s speech was later recorded as a hate incident by police).

Announced in the 2015 manifesto and in 2016 Queen’s speech. Dropped due to several controversial elements proving unpopular with Tory backbenchers.

Proposed by Theresa May during leadership bid and announced to great fanfare at 2016 Tory Conference, the potentially progressive policy was dropped just six weeks later.

Proposed in 2014 and in the 2015 Tory manifesto. The Government dragged their feet, rejecting a series of amendments by both Parliament and the Lords and were accused of “failing to increase support for victims of crime”.

In April 2016 then PM David Cameron said they would “resettle 3000 children and their families” however in Feb 2017 the Home Office announced they had accepted 350 child refugees and that was the limit.

Included in the 2015 Tory manifesto. Even though the government’s own consultation found 94.5% public support for the ban, a few Tory backbenchers blocked several bills by filibustering debates.

Despite promising in their 2015 manifesto not to increase Tax/NI, in the 2017 budget Philip Hammond introduced a 2% NI increase for those self-employed. Following widespread condemnation the proposal was dropped days later.

The Tories have dragged their feet on how to confront diesel pollution. Originally backing plan to impose tax on vehicles in 35 UK cities, then backing down, later reports suggest the tax could still be up for consideration.

In March 2017 the government announced it would not be calling an early General Election however just one month later Theresa May went against that announcement. Incredibly she “blamed opposition parties” for doing so.

Going back on the 2015 Tory Manifesto in the 2017 General Election campaign Theresa May announced that Winter Fuel payments would be means tested rather than available to all pensioners.

The 2015 Tory Manifesto stated intention to introduce a British Bill Of Rights, however during the 2017 Election campaign the Tories announced they would continue to remain under jurisdiction of the EU Court of Human Rights for entire next parliament.

Going back on the 2015 Tory manifesto pledge, the 2017 manifesto announced that the pension triple lock would be removed within 3 years.

The most controversial proposals of the 2017 Tory manifesto. The plan was to claim the cost of social care, which could run into £100s of thousands, from the assets of those in need of care. Under significant scrutiny the proposal was dropped days later.

From 2010 Tories targeted yearly net immigration in the “10s of thousands” (actual figure as high as 336,000) During 2017 Election campaign Theresa May stated the target was still in place to be achieved by 2022, hours later David Davis claimed it wasn’t.

Tory 2017 Manifesto pledges to build “a new generation of social housing”, just 2 weeks later then housing minister Gavin Barwell admitted the housing classification would not meet the DCLG’s definition of social housing.

The 2015 Tory manifesto pledge to keep army troop numbers above 82,000, however by 2017 the actual number was down to around 77,500 with some senior Army figures predicting the total could continue to fall as low as 65,000.

One of Theresa May’s favourite policy lay in tatters as her failure to secure a parliamentary majority in 2017 led to a confidence and supply deal with the DUP, the NI party are not able to support the policy.

The Tories had always claimed they wanted to discuss the EU divorce bill alongside new trade talk negotiations, however Michel Barnier ruled this out and David Davis caved in to their demands.

Following massive publicity of falling police numbers/rising crime Amber Rudd announced she would be abandoning police funding-formula changes to curtail more cuts. It later transpired funding would be made up by significant 2018 council tax increases

Announced in April 2017, reiterated in May 2017 yet missing from June 2017 Queen’s Speech. There have been three further announcements on the policy in July 2017, October 2017 & February 2018…yet still nothing has happened and bills are going up. Scandal.

The Tories, obsessed with deregulation, planned to relax fire safety standards for new school builds, but in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, they hastily dropped the proposal.

A U-turn U-turn. Bowing to pressure from the DUP to agree confidence and supply agreement the Tories dropped the controversial manifesto pledge they had committed to just five weeks earlier.

A few hour U-turn. Hours after a senior Conservative had hinted the pay cap would be reviewed at the next budget a No10 spokesman denied that the policy would be changing.

Despite the Supreme Court upholding Tory policy weeks earlier, Theresa May was forced to back down and allow free abortions for Northern Irish women as Tory backbenchers planned to rebel against parliament vote.

2017 Tory manifesto proposed changing the system from free lunches to free breakfasts, suggesting funding of just 7p per child per day. Under pressure they u-turned, however in 2018 new proposals will result in 160,000 children missing out on free meals.

Announced in 2015 Tory manifesto, employer supported volunteering was suggested as a way of helping to build communities, however by 2017 the government were not even willing to discuss the matter and plans seem to have been shelved.

Announced in 2012 and included in 2015 Tory manifesto, rail electrification between Cardiff and Swansea was scrapped in July 2017. In 2018 it was revealed Theresa May personally intervened to cancel the project.

Promised in the 2015 Tory manifesto, rail electrification between Leeds and Manchester was ditched in 2017 making a mockery of the supposed Northern Powerhouse as journeys are set to be slower with increased carbon emissions.

Following trebling of tuition fees under the Cameron Govt, new fee increases were set at £250 per year from 2016. This increase was frozen in 2017 in desperate bid to appeal to younger voters, however outrageous student loan interest increase to 6.1% continued.

With the introduction of Universal Credit it was revealed the cost of the phone line for claimants was as high as 55p per minute. Under pressure from opposition and Tory backbenchers and fearful of a commons defeat the phone line was made free.

After years of problems with its introduction and under enormous pressure from all sides in parliament Philip Hammond was forced into adding £1.5b to iron out issues such as payment delays and the waiting period for Universal Credit.

Following the bombing in May 2017 the Tories committed to paying all costs involved, however months later they tried to worm out of £5m of the costs. Under significant public pressure they u-turned and agreed to covering all costs.

Struggling to make any progress with Brexit, Theresa May planned to introduce legislation to allow minister to hold powers without parliamentary scrutiny. Once again opposition and public scrutiny led to the plans being shelved.

Showing how out of touch she is, (83% of UK public don’t want Fox Hunting) Theresa May still included plans in her 2017 manifesto to hold a vote on the issue. These plans were ditched in 2018 as they proved so unpopular.

A tribunal ruled in November 2016 that claimants that suffer psychological stress should qualify more easily for PIP. Cruelly the Tories waited 14 months before caving in and accepting the decision under opposition pressure.

After a leaked document showed post weak post Brexit growth, Theresa May tried to downplay, calling report a “selective interpretation”, however under threat of commons defeat shewas forced to reveal full data to all MPs.

Having spent nearly 2 years using EU citizens as bargaining chips and failing to commit extending their rights, Theresa May climbed down and agreed to allow permanent stays in the UK.

Originally Theresa May was a supporter of food producers setting voluntary targets on their advertising, but under pressure from mounting evidence about health effects she was forced to U-turn and consider enforced bans.

Theresa May had continued the policy of David Cameron to deny 18-21 year olds housing benefit, however under pressure from charities concerned at rising youth homelessness she backed down on the policy.

On 19th March Damian Hinds announced an additional “£26m investment” to give more children a healthy breakfast. However 2 weeks later they had to backtrack after it was revealed the money had already been pledged before.

During Commonwealth gathering Caribbean leaders requested a meeting with Theresa May to discuss citizens deported to the islands, but were refused. Later the decision was reversed as cases started to come to light in what would become the Windrush Scandal.

The Tories have long protected the identities of those avoiding tax by keeping fund in offshore tax havens. However they were forced to U-turn after concern they would lose a vote on making such havens more transparent.

For nearly 2 years Theresa May stuck to the line “leaving the customs union”, without an alternative. Then there was the ‘customs partnership’ (not popular/workable/legal) then the ‘max fac’ (not popular/workable/legal), she’s still turning on this one.

Appointing a retired establishment judge to oversee the enquiry into the horrific events at Grenfell had always caused dismay, yet Theresa May waited 11 months before caving in and agreeing to allow a more diverse panel that campaigners had been urging for

Desperate to appeal to younger voters the Tories announced a new railcard at the 2017 budget. However after only a few thousand cards were made available and teething problems with the system, continuation has now been delayed indefinitely.