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Feb 25th 2023
Its not so #cool as it sounds... because of the following,

#Eating #redmeat has been associated with various #health problems, including:
#Cardiovascular disease: High consumption of red meat has been linked to an increased risk of #heart disease due to

the high levels of saturated fat and #cholesterol found in red meat.
#Cancer: Several studies have suggested that high consumption of red meat, particularly processed #meat, can increase the risk of certain cancers, such as colon cancer.
Type 2 #diabetes: Red meat consumption has been linked to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, potentially due to the high fat content.
#Obesity: High consumption of red meat has been linked to an increased risk of obesity due to its high #calorie and fat content.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 29th 2021
Why do people make money complicated?
actually, the conversation between you and money is quite simple. It generally becomes tough when you add people into it.

~ *thread* ~

We all feel good when people start liking us, our house, our car, our watch, and so on.
this is where the problem starts
One of the simplest ways to tackle this is to always set your learning standards high and living standards minimal.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 12th 2021
Remembering Frank Sinatra on his birthday 🎂
📷 Peter Martin, 1940s
"This is all they really wanted; they wanted to see him. And for a few moments they gazed in silence through the smoke & they stared. Then they turned, fought their way out of the bar, went home."
- Gay Talese Image
Bob Willoughby
Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin on the set of a Judy Garland TV special, 1962 Image
Tommy Dorsey & Frank Sinatra in Ship Ahoy, 1942
"The sound of Sinatra in his three years with Tommy Dorsey is that of a sage-to-be experiencing the thrills of first romance."
- Will Friedwald
Read 37 tweets
May 21st 2021
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗨𝘀𝗲𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗪𝗲𝗯𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗢𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘁

I will be sharing unique , useful, and interesting #websites in this thread.

🚀Goal - 10,000 websites. 🚀

⏩ A Thread ⏪

🙏 RT for more exposure .

#unique #internet #useful #knowledge #worldwide
1: 🚀YayText .com🚀

You can use this website to use Bold, Italic, Underlined text on #Facebook , #Instagram , #Twitter ........

2: 🚀Fast .com🚀

You can check speed of your Internet connection from here.

Read 101 tweets
Mar 15th 2021
YET ANOTHER NEW ONLINE CLASS FOR TEENS! Traffic Sergeant Sewell will continue our traffic & driving education with an online distracted driving presentation, though you don't have to be a #cool #teen to attend!

1/ Image
Our previous traffic & driving class from early March highlighted the top reasons our officers respond to an accident (speeding and distractions). This new class will continue the education and show a real-life scenario and the real-life consequences.

Participants will go “on-scene” with Sergeant Sewell as he recalls events of a wrong-way driver incident from 2012. He will recap the dispatch calls, radio transmissions with the officers, and the in-camera video from his vehicle while responding to the call.

Read 4 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
📢🎉The work of #Bat1K is featured on the cover in the latest issue of @nature: “Six reference-quality #genomes reveal evolution of #bat adaptations” 🦇🧬 #bats Our thread 👇 on the… 📸: Olivier Farcy(1/n) Image
📢Have you ever wondered how 🦇 manage to do what they do? #bats have extraordinary adaptations, including powered #flight, laryngeal #echolocation, #vocal #learning and an exceptional #longevity with unique #immunity and resistance to #cancer! 📸: @DanielWhitby5 (2/n) Image
A #Bat1K team led by @Sonja_Vernes @EmmaTeeling1 @hillermich @TheGeneMyers has just published the raw genetic material that codes for these unique 🦇 adaptations and #superpowers in @nature! #bats #genomics #cool! (3/n) Image
Read 32 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
Confinement oblige, l'ADEMEC propose de partager chaque jour une ressource utile dénichée par les membres du bureau 🔎⚙️📚 Déroulez ce tweet pour y trouver lectures, outils, et autres trouvailles accessibles en ligne ! L'occasion aussi de partager les vôtres ? 🤓
[Humanités numériques 💾] Pour commencer, on vous invite à consulter l’ouvrage de Pierre Mounier [@piotrr70], “Les humanités numériques” (2018), qui nous propose, de par une histoire critique des HN, une analyse des SHS aujourd'hui. À consulter en ligne :
Du même auteur, associé à @marindacos et pour une approche + institutionnelle: "Humanités numériques: état des lieux et positionnement de la recherche française dans le contexte international", 2015, ici…
Pour mieux savoir où on met les 🦶
Read 78 tweets
Feb 6th 2020
#Farmers are standing up for some basic needs, the #FarmersBillOfRights. We need these in order to survive as producers & caretakers of our shared land, water, soil, & communities. Join our fight!
Thanks to the original co-sponsors: @RepDebHaaland, @chelliepingree & @CoryBooker
@RepDebHaaland @chelliepingree @CoryBooker Learn more about the #FarmersBillOfRights by reading this quick synopsis:
@RepDebHaaland @chelliepingree @CoryBooker 1) RIGHT TO FAIR, OPEN MARKETS: We need #competitive marketplaces to buy seeds, supplies & goods, & sell the fruits of our labor. It's become nearly impossible for independent rural businesses to compete with multinational #monopolies. Farmers need strong #antitrust. #bustupbigag
Read 13 tweets
Jul 23rd 2019
THREAD. Actually, i’ve spent my life avoiding heat. Here are my top tips for staying #Cool in a #HeatWave...
1. Buy an air conditioner. They sell out like summer was never on the calendar but @ecoairGB and @DeLonghiUK are good. Spend as much as you can afford and 8000/9000BTU is fine to cool small / medium room. (seal around vent pipe as well as u can. Only need 1 cool room to survive)
2. CLOSE THE BLOODY WINDOWS! Most important thing. Curtains and blinds too. On my street today all windows are wide open and the air outside is 12 degrees hotter than inside! #Madness! Close at 10am and open as soon as the air outside cools below inside, usually after dark
Read 11 tweets
Jul 29th 2017
"De l'information au piège à clics" paru dans le @mdiplo d'août. La soumission des journalistes à l'idéologie du tout-marché #Àdérouler
Konbini, Melty ou BuzzFeed sont l'avant-garde en matière de conditions de travail "à la #startup" : précarité maquillée de #fun #cool
La publicité, déjà fond de commerce, remonte à la surface, la tendance n'est plus seulement suivie mais inventée de toutes pièce #marketing
Read 4 tweets

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