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Jun 18th 2023
1/ There’ve been some scary climate charts released this week, alongside some big climate stories. It’s been challenging keeping up with everything, so I’ve done a quick round-up thread 🧵
#climatecrisis #climatechaos #climatebreakdown
2/ A snapshot of sea surface temperatures from the 14th June. Unfortunately this daily snapshot is representative of a larger ongoing problem…

3/ Sea surface temperatures are currently at record highs for June so far, and also for the months of April and May.

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Oct 28th 2022
Colleagues have commented on the legitimacy & effectiveness of recent climate actions like #SoupGate & #MashedMonet using general social movement theory. But can climate activism really be understood like other movements? I argue it cannot as I give my take on the matter👇👇 1/14
Preamble: A good example of such a discussion is 2/14
Discussions so far overlook the unique temporality and scope of climate change as a problem: namely, that we continue to discount climate change as a problem of the future while time is in fact running out NOW & the problem can only be solved through global transformation. 3/14
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Sep 19th 2022
Well as my last attempt⤵️to #StopTheWar in #Ukraine failed to get any traction I thought my 2nd attempt should start with a bang or in the words of #DrStrangelove"How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"
2/n It seems I am not scary enough to scare sense into some participants of the current war, I thought trying to use a selection of #GNUTerryPratchett words from #Discworld #Jingo & #Hogfather along with some horrors of war concepts might persuade #WarCriminals in the conflict
3/n that a better path might be available to them and others if the war ended quickly but as another Author @Kurt_Vonnegut said of horrors in another War #SoItGoes🤷‍♂️
I started with the words
From the #WarGames film
Read 102 tweets
Apr 21st 2022
‼️ NEW ‼️

Analysis from @ciel_tweets & @boell_stiftung: "#IPCC Unsummarized: Unmasking Clear Warnings on Overshoot, Techno-fixes, and the Urgency of Climate Justice" ➡️…

Key takeaways in this thread 🧵👇
Early this month, the @IPCC_CH published the Contributions of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report.

The subject? Mitigation of #ClimateChange.

#IPCC #ClimateReport #ActOnClimate
Like previous #IPCC Reports, this one demonstrates:
🚩#ClimateChange is a present emergency
🚩Each increment of warming accelerates the scale & severity of the crisis
🚩Phasing out ALL #FossilFuels is the quickest & most effective way to end #ClimateChaos.…
Read 9 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
@GWmag @TheMontyDon @Telegraph No surprises that ‘attack’ featured heavily from then on, such is the venom that’s on tap from our #gardening & #horticulture industries. And then came wild, chest-thumping talk (yawn) of ‘boycotts’ of @GWmag 👇So we won’t engage with what @TheMontyDon says, we’ll ‘fight back'
@GWmag @TheMontyDon @Telegraph and show him who’s boss (even if we know we’re doing the wrong thing by mining peat, destroying habitat & adding to #climatechaos, because profit comes before everything else). One of the few media outlets that treated the story with honesty was @Independent w/ this headline
@GWmag @TheMontyDon @Telegraph @Independent That was a bit more like it. No invective toward @TheMontyDon, pinpointing of industry/gov failure to end peat use & mention of how using peat is adding to our #ClimateCrisis. What’s not to like? @thetimes’s stab at covering the ‘story’ couldn’t resist an invidious touch:
Read 12 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
This is a thread about the toxicity that permeates the UK #gardening & #horticulture industries. In the current issue of @GWmag @TheMontyDon pointed out that retailers are ‘actively choosing to do harm’ if they sell peat, peat-based compost or plants grown in peat. He was stating
@GWmag @TheMontyDon the obvious. It’s a scientific fact that peat bogs release their stored carbon when they are drained & mined. FACT. More carbon means more #climatechaos. Carbon set free by its use in #gardening doesn’t hide away. It’s all driving our #ClimateEmergency. @TheMontyDon was saying
@GWmag @TheMontyDon in plain terms, that if your an industry that’s still digging up peat and releasing carbon, and adding to #ClimateBreakdown, then you’re part of the problem we all share. Let’s not forget that no gardener needs peat to succeed & that modern & reliable #peatfree mixes exist, and
Read 8 tweets
Jun 29th 2019
Whoa. Totally missed @ericswalwell's reference to #ClimateChaos last night...

I think I've been using the phrase since the early 2000s, because it best characterizes the wholesale shift that will come from increased atmospheric energy ...
Eddies in the atmosphere lead to polar vortexes in the midwest but 60 degree temperatures in Alaska - which not only impacts weather, but interferes with native plants overwintering...
shifting precipitation patterns leading to droughts, spring flooding keeping corn from being knee-high by the fourth of July, but extending 80 degree temps through November...
Read 6 tweets

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