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1. A thread on taking back control of borders.

(Or not).

Unpacking the confusion.
2. The UK government claims to want to take back control of borders.

But did they mean control of settlement immigration? Or actual control of border crossings?

Do they even know what they want to control?
3. In reality, as a non-Schengen country, and as an island, the UK has always had full control of its border crossing points. UK is surrounded by water which helps. The only exception perhaps is the open Irish border but that’s down to the Good Friday Agreement not EU membership.
Read 26 tweets
🗞 NEW study 🇪🇺

How do citizens engage with the EU?

Here’s the first empirical analysis of the use of existing EU participatory tools, plus a proposal on how to revamp them via randomly selected citizens advising the EU 🧵#cofoe… Image
1. After 70 years of integration, EU citizens largely marginalized in EU developments.

Yet they’re are entitled to “participate to the democratic life of the Union” since 2009, and to do so beyond elections…. Image
2. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the EU today provides a wide array of participatory opportunities to its citizens to engage with – and potentially influence – EU decision-making.

Yet they remain little known and little used. Image
Read 18 tweets
The European Council looks set to breach its treaty obligations. On 9 June @Europarl_EN made a formal proposal to revise Article 48(7) TEU so that the famous ‘passerelle’ clause will in future be triggered by QMV not unanimity. 1/…
Everyone knows that the best way to have more voting and less vetoing in the Council is through use of the passerelle. Indeed, this is openly admitted by the Council in its reaction to the conclusions of the #CoFoE… 2/
What the Council don’t say is that because of the national veto the existing passerelle clause is inoperable.
Under Article 48(3) #EUCO must now decide whether to examine Parliament’s proposal. That decision is taken by simple majority. What the leaders cannot do is nothing. 3/
Read 11 tweets
We're starting the day's proceedings with the @dice_h2020 plenary session: "The Future of European Integration: After the Crises and the CoFoE"

We'll enjoy contributions from @NicolePirozzi, Jaap de Zwaan, Frank Schimmelfennig & @IlkeToygur, moderated by Jakub Eberle

Our partners over at the @dice_h2020 project is also highlighting some key moments, so go check out their thread and follow their account while you're there!


"Our experiences in many different countries (the Western Balkans, Eastern Neighbourhood, and more) tell us we should integrate countries according to their capabilities"

- @NicolePirozzi (@IAIonline)

Read 41 tweets
The DiCE Panel at the #CzechPPC is starting NOW! We'll be highlighting a number of key moments right hear on Twitter, so be sure to follow!

@tepsaeu @IIR_Prague @EUROPEUMPrague @CEI_Secretariat @CzechMFA @IdeaEu @IAIonline @EU3Dh2020 @arena_uio @ResearchDi @HorizonEU

Jakub Eberle from @IIR_Prague is moderating the discussion between @NicolePirozzi (@IAIonline), Jaap de Zwaan (fmr. TEPSA Secretary-General), Frank Schimmelfennig (@ETH_en), and @IlkeToygur (@SWPBerlin)

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"Differentiation cannot take place within the fundamental values of the European Union, such as the rule of law or human rights"

- @NicolePirozzi gives her initial input to the panel

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The #CzechPPC is starting NOW! As always, we'll be highlighting the best bits here on our Twitter account 💪🇨🇿

@IIR_Prague @dice_h2020 @EUROPEUMPrague @CEI_Secretariat @CzechMFA

TEPSA Secretary-General @CloosJim and IIR Director @oditrych are currently opening the #CzechPPC

"We are part of the same family. We are diverse, but we are part of the same family, and we have a shared European history"

- @CloosJim, TEPSA Secretary-General in his remarks to open the #CzechPPC

Read 84 tweets
Did the Conference on the Future of Europe succeed?

It depends very much on how you measure success.

For me it worked beyond expectations.

Here’s why 🧵 #CoFoE #FutureOfEurope
1 If you belong to those who expected #CoFoE to magically deliver a re-opening of the Treaty, you may be disappointed. No majority exists to endorse EP’s demand. That might never materialize. Wait for June #EUCO but it might not be the point…
2 If instead you valued #CoFoE as an open-ended (not outcome-bound) process, you may be satisfied. Not only a permanent mechanism of citizen deliberation in EU decision-making is foreseen, but that can be done without treaty change. But there’s more.…
Read 12 tweets
So why are the Nordic & Eastern EU countries opposed to treaty change and the Western & Southern countries are (increasingly) for it? Size matters.

Smaller countries don't want to lose their ability to veto EU laws (like we're seeing now with Hungary vetoing the 🇷🇺oil embargo).
So the battle lines are being drawn. Why did this all come to a head today? It started in 2017, when Macron had the idea for a citizen's convention to recommend reforms for the EU.

But it was steadily diluted, almost designed to fail.…
EU national governments are still traumatized by the constitution-turned-Lisbon-Treaty experience of 2000s. They're scared of opening the pandora's box of treaty change again.

But this change is a normal part of the EU's development. This is the longest EU has gone without it.
Read 7 tweets
#Macron has taken the floor after receiving the recommendations of the citizens’ #CoFoE conference, including a call for treaty change.

He says Europe must unite, including in defence, in order to protect member countries from the Russian threat.
Macron says the conference’s proposals will be evaluated in September and then acted upon [possibly with a convention drawing up treaty change, for instance].

He says the conference will not be just a talking shop. He promises EU reform.
And here it is, the big announcement:

#Macron says, in English, 🇪🇺 must do “whatever it takes” (quoting 🇮🇹PM #Draghi) to become sovereign & efficient.

That will mean reforming treaties, and he will discuss this with other leaders at the June #EUCO summit.
Read 5 tweets
.@EmmanuelMacron takes the floor. He says he has good and bad news. The bad news is that he is going to give a speech (*I suspect this means longer than 10 minutes...). Good news is that he won't repeat what has been said in previous speeches.
[I won't be live-tweeting everything he says; I've done that before and I honestly thought he'd never stop talking. Will only tweet key bits]
1. Macron says that the conference on the Future of Europe (#CoFoE) shows that citizens want a stronger and more sovereign Europe.
Read 15 tweets
The closing ceremony of the #CoFoE conference recommending 🇪🇺 treaty change has started with an interpretive dance recital and I’m really confused.
Now Guy Verhofstadt is speaking in French and I’m really confused!

Never seen him speak in anything other than English in this hemicycle.
Now he’s speaking English.

“In contrast to what we may think, people don’t fear change,” Verhofstadt tells national EU governments. “On the contrary, they urge us to reform the 🇪🇺union, and they want this to happen now.”
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How immensely typical.

EU national governments ask citizens to recommend reforms for 🇪🇺. Then, when they don't like what's been recommended (treaty change), 10 of them write a letter scolding the citizens: 🇩🇰🇸🇪🇫🇮🇪🇪🇱🇻🇱🇹🇸🇮🇧🇬🇨🇿🇲🇹…
But not every country agrees with these 10 reactionaries that 🇪🇺 works perfectly fine.

🇮🇹PM Draghi endorsed treaty change earlier this month.

🇫🇷President Macron is expected to do so at his speech accepting the #CoFoE recommendations in 2 hours.
This #CoFoE didn't end up being the bold exercise Macron originally envisioned. The power-preserving instincts of national capitals kicked in (as I wrote here in 2020).

But today Macron will try to ride current momentum for change driven by 🇷🇺 invasion.…
Read 4 tweets
This #EuropeDay, we celebrate the power of ideas.

A year-long journey that generated over 18k ideas will culminate in Strasbourg.

Presidents @vonderleyen, @EP_President & @EmmanuelMacron will receive the final report of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

@vonderleyen @EP_President @EmmanuelMacron The report includes 49 proposals with more than 300 measures on how to shape the future of the European Union.

Representatives of Citizens' Panels will present tomorrow key aspects of the 49 proposals.


@vonderleyen @EP_President @EmmanuelMacron We invited everyone to submit their ideas about what kind of Europe they want to see.

Many participated and shared their visions for a Union that would respond better to new challenges and to people's needs.

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Our new study: "Under construction. Citizen participation in the EU." #CoFoE ends, but how well do citizen participation instruments in the EU really work? We need a participation infrastructure, but what we have is a patchwork of instruments. 🧵…
Joint study with the @epc_eu. We've analysed seven EU participation instruments: Elections to the EP, European Citizen’s Initiative, Petitions, European Ombudsman, Public Consultations, Citizens’ Dialogues and the European Citizens’ Consultations. @jaemmanouilidis
Based on interviews and survey of 100 decision-makers and EU democracy experts, a representative EU population survey by @euopinions and of course literature.
Our analytical lenses: visibility, accesibility, representativeness, deliberativeness, transnationality, impact
Read 10 tweets
We're live at our debate on the implications of the #FrenchElections on the EU! Join us as we discuss #Macron's win with Christine Roger, Olivier Rozenberg, @O_Omnes, @CCeriseG, and @GDelbosCorfield

Join us on #livestream!➡️

As always we will be highlighting the best bits here on Twitter, but be sure to go follow the event live on @YouTube 👉

.@CCeriseG is welcoming our audience, and introducing our prestigious panellists: Christine Roger (@EUCouncil), Olivier Rozenberg (@SciencesPo_CEE), @GDelbosCorfield (@GreensEFA), and @O_Omnes (@MouvEuropeen_Fr). In addition to moderating, @CCeriseG will give her thoughts

Read 48 tweets
Wybrane zalecenia #CoFoE

1. Wprowadzić ogólnounijne referendum
2. Ujednolicić ordynacje wyborcze w wyborach do PE, a także wprowadzić głosowania na listy ogólnounijne lub „ponadnarodowe”.
3. Zrezygnować z głosowania jednomyślnego na rzecz większości kwalifikowanej. Jedyne wyjątki powinny dotyczyć przyjęcia nowego państwa do UE oraz zmiany podstawowych zasad UE określonych w art. 2 TUE i w Karcie praw podstawowych Unii Europejskiej.
4. Zmienić nazwy instytucji UE, aby ,,lepiej wyjaśniały obywatelom funkcję i rolę tych instytucji w unijnym procesie decyzyjnym - np. Radę UE można by nazwać Senatem UE, a Komisję Europejską – Komisją Wykonawczą UE".
Read 6 tweets
As the Conference on the Future of Europe comes to an end, what can we reasonably expect?

(Spoiler: a fight over whether, how, and on what to re-open the Treaties NOW)

🧵 #CoFoE
2 Originally promised by @vonderleyen in the aftermath of her rocambolesque appointment, the Conference is the first attempt at institutional reform since 2007.

It didn’t look promising in its early days, but the context has changed.… #CoFoE
3 Amid lack of clear majority among Member States & disagreements among EU institutions, #CoFoE was postponed to May 9, 2021 by invoking the pandemic as the official excuse for the delay
This turned out to be a bless as led to redesigning it from scratch…
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No, the vast majority of the recommendations put forward by the Conference on the Future of Europe don’t require Treaty change.

Only 21 out 178, with <120 feasible under existing Treaties #CoFoE

cc: @suzannelynch1 @HankeVela
2. We’ve browsed all 178, and classified them into 4 categories:

1. Recs not requiring new action (23)
2. Recs entailing new action by MS (21)
3. Recs entailing new action by EU (113)
4. Recs entailing Treaty change (21) #cofoe
3. Among the 21 recs requiring Treaty Change, they call for transfer of new competences in:

1.Welfare (7)
2.Education (5)
3.Institutional reforms (4)
4.Health care (2)
5.Taxation (2)
6.Energy (1)
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Today at 11:00 CET don't miss our conference on the future of women and girls with disabilities in Europe

🤝 Organised together with @FCermiMujeres
💻 There is still time to register!…

@AnaPelaez EDF Vicepresident opens the conference:
"There are more than 60 million girls and women with disabilities in Europe. Most of the time we, women and girls with disabilities are not included in public policy, Our needs and concerns are not heard."
#OurFuture Ana Pelaez and Marien Uldry during the opening session.
MEP @k_langensiepen stresses the importance of active participation and the under-representation in the political system: "We need more role models to show young girls and women with disabilities that can make it in the political world"
#OurFuture MEP Katrin during her intervention today at the conference.
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🧵 Over the last 6 months, 800 randomly-selected EU citizens came up with 178 recommendations addressed to EU leaders

How many of them require Treaty change to become a reality?

(Spoiler: just a few)

A 🧵based on empirical work done @VillaVigoni
Credits to students #CoFoE
1. As the end of #CoFoE approaches (May 9), the question arises as to whether/how the EU will/should respond.

What form that response should take?

As we expect that response to be conditioned by the nature of recs proposed, here's a preliminary break out of the 178 recs.
2. We’ve browsed all 178 recs from the 4 Citizens' Panels, and classified them into 4 categories:

1. Recs not requiring new action (23)
2. Recs entailing new action by MS (21)
3. Recs entailing new action by EU (113)
4. Recs entailing Treaty change (21)

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Just listened to the ambassadors of 3 citizens’ panels of the #CoFoE in the #ConferenceConversations by @Conf_Observ. A little recap of the pros and cons of the experience so far, according to the ambassadors (thread):
Very realistic expectations of the follow-up process, understanding that given the future-oriented nature of the excercise concrete results can take time. At the same time trust that many politicians will pick up some of the citizens’ recommendations and do their best
Initially some problems to get into a real conversation with the participating politicians; tendency to make statements instead of engaging in a proper debate with the citizens (apparently the politicians have been willing to learn nevertheless)
Read 8 tweets
1/6 La UE apoya a los jóvenes mediante programas como Erasmus+ o el cuerpo europeo de solidaridad, declarando 2022 el año europeo de la juventud o fijando que 1/3 de los miembros de los paneles ciudadanos de #CoFoE han de ser <25 años. Son medidas muy importantes, pero no bastan.
2/6 Los EEMM confían cada vez más en la UE para la fijación de objetivos a largo plazo (10-30 años) en varios ámbitos, p.ej., neutralidad climática, igualdad efectiva de la mujer en la esfera pública, adquisición de habilidades digitales etc. La UE vive volcada hacia el futuro.
3/6 Ello exige un pacto intergeneracional para que dichos objetivos -y las medidas que se adopten para alcanzarlos- tengan un plus de legitimidad. Si se habla de futuro, los jóvenes son la generación más concernida. Los menores de 30 años suponen 1/3 del total de la población 🇪🇺.
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La #CoFoE es una iniciativa de enorme calado y originalidad. Hay elementos que son mejorables, pero ya ha conseguido resultados importantes, más allá del que será el principal, a saber, la adopción de unas conclusiones consensuadas con valor de hoja de ruta.
Su estructura crea dinámicas nuevas e interesantes: en su Consejo Ejecutivo participan las 3 principales instituciones UE, más parlamentos nacionales, más otros actores; a lo que se añade la representación ciudadana vía paneles y plenarios. Es una mezcla enriquecedora para todos.
La prima a la representación de los jóvenes (al menos 1/3 de <25 años) en los paneles ciudadanos tiene posibles repercusiones más allá de la #CoFoE: los objetivos a larguísimo plazo de la UE (p.ej., neutralidad climática en 2050) precisan de un pacto intergeneracional.
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De Belgische burgerpanels #CoFoE hebben hun werkzaamheden (virtueel) afgesloten.

▶️ 96 aanbevelingen over het thema: Hoe kunnen de burgers beter bij de Europese democratie worden betrokken?

▶️ Op het digitale platform deze week.

5 hoofdthema’s gekozen door de burgers

1️⃣Verbetering van de communicatie over de EU
2️⃣Opsporen en tegengaan van desinformatie en nepnieuws over de EU
3️⃣Burgerpanels als participatie-instrument
4️⃣Referenda in EU-aangelegenheden
5️⃣Reeds bestaande participatie-instrumenten in de EU
1️⃣ Betere communicatie over de EU

De burgers deden vooral aanbevelingen over hoe de representativiteit te waarborgen van een burgerpanel, hoe de verschillende doelgroepen beter kunnen worden bereikt. Ook de middelen voor in het onderwijs werden besproken.
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