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Jun 9th 2023
1/ Why #RahulGandhi, #CONgress ecosystem, Lutiyens & Libtards are against Indian Brands but endorse all foreign brands & their #toolkits to build opinion, from #ShaheenBagh to #FarmersAgitation to #BBC to #Adani?
2/Do you know #CocaCola entered India in the 1980s, taking over 11 other Indian soft drink brands, while #Pepsi took over others.
#Amazon hasn't left out any city nor BlueDart, DHL & FedEx.
3/ #Chinese & #Korean mobiles dominate India.
#Nestlé, #Maggi, #ITC, #HUL, #Pepsi etc entered the #FarmSector!
In 4-wheeler industry, #Suzuki, #MG, #Hyundai etc. #Honda dominates the two-wheeler industry,
Read 6 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
Auch in Deutschland droht wegen des #Klimawandel's Wasserknappheit.

Weshalb @CSU und #FreieWähler jetzt an den Trinkwasserschutz ran wollen.
Die Bevölkerung soll nicht mehr bevorzugt mit Wasser versorgt werden. Mineralwasserproduzenten soll es leichter…
gemacht werden, auch dann noch Grundwasser anzuzapfen, wenn es für die Bevölkerung bereits knapp wird.

#Nestle wird es freuen.
Die Änderungsanträge, um das Trinkwasserschutzgesetz aufzuweichen wurden von der @CSU und den #FreieWähler bereits am 13.02. eingebracht.

Seitdem gab es große Kritik. Erst jetzt, in aller letzten Minuten hat die bayerische Regierung das Vorhaben gestoppt.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
#Menschenrecht #Wasser 💧
Das Logo am Bedienmodul gehört einer Firma der #NGO
#TheWaterProject in deren Vorstand ein ehemaliger #CocaCola-Leader sitzt.…
#Weltwasserforum in #Afrika:
(K)ein Recht auf Wasser?
#Nairobi - 22.03.22

"Auch die #Privatisierung von #Wasser spielt eine Rolle - wenn #Konzerne wie #Nestlé oder #CocaCola sich Zugang zu Wasser sichern und es dann in #Plastikflaschen teuer verkaufen."

Die Generalversammlung erkennt das Recht auf einwandfreies und sauberes #Trinkwasser und Sanitärversorgung als ein #Menschenrecht an, das unverzichtbar für den vollen Genuss des Lebens und aller Menschenrechte ist

#UNResolution 64/292, Juli 2010…

Read 3 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
Popular #collagen company's supply chain connected to Amazon deforestation.

We are slashing & burning the planet to chase glowing skin...

By @lilimendonca @Andrew_Wasley & @ZukerFabio… ImageImageImage
"Pasture raised + Grass fed" says Vital Proteins label.

Small print: on what used to be Amazon rainforest.
And yes, this drinkable deforestation is the one that Jennifer Aniston endorses. Image
Read 5 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
This is an interesting perspective on the #AdaniSyndrome Don't miss.

#cocacola entered India, taking over 11 other Indian soft drink brands, the rest being taken over by Pepsi!

No objection! No shouting

#AMAZON hasn't left out any city!

No resistance! No shouting!

Courier services like #BlueDart #DHL & #FEDEX came & brought their planes too. Now the whole business is occupied!

No resistance.. No shouting..

#Chinese & #Korean mobiles dominate India.

No resistance, no noise! No shouting..
#Nestlé #Maggi #ITC #HUL #PEPSI etc entered the farm sector!

No resistance, no noise

In the 4-wheeler industry, #SUZUKI #MG #Hyundai etc.
#Honda dominates the two-wheeler industry,

No resistance, no noise, no shouting..
Read 7 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
#Nestle business model analysis

1/ Nestle is a global food and beverage company that operates on a hybrid business model, using both in-house manufacturing and outsourcing to produce its products. #Nestle #BusinessModel #FoodAndBeverage
2/ Nestle sources raw materials and ingredients for its products from various suppliers around the world and manufactures its products at its own facilities in countries around the world. #RawMaterials #Manufacturing
3/ Nestle's product line is diverse and includes a variety of food and beverage products, including coffee, water, milk, ice cream, and snack foods. The company also licenses its brand to third parties for use on non-Nestle products. #Coffee #Water #Milk #IceCream #SnackFoods
Read 9 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
1/ The Hershey Company is a global confectionery and snack food company that operates on a hybrid business model, using both in-house manufacturing and outsourcing to produce its products. #HersheyCompany #BusinessModel #Confectionery #SnackFood
2/ Hershey sources raw materials and ingredients for its products from various suppliers around the world and manufactures its products at its own facilities in the United States and internationally. #RawMaterials #Manufacturing
3/ Hershey's product line includes a variety of confectionery and snack food products, including chocolate, candy, gum, and snacks. The company also licenses its brand to third parties for use on non-Hershey products. #Confectionery #SnackFood #Chocolate #Candy #Gum
Read 7 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
In last 4 Months I have suggested 40 Stocks. Here, I am trying to figure out how much money💸💸 would have become by Investing Rs 1 lakh in each of the 40 stocks.
@StocksTreasures @itsqfa @farirf07 @kuttrapali26 @nakulvibhor @JakeraChoudhury
➡️Recommendation Date of #FMCG Stocks is 3 July
➡️#vbl #ITC #RadicoKhaitan #unitedspirits #ubl #emami #hindustanunilever #nestle #tataconsumer
➡️Recommendation Date of #Financial Stocks is 9 July
➡️#sbin #ICICIBank #HDFCBank #shriramtransportfinance #mahindrafinance #BajajFinance #KOTAKBANK #AxisBank
Read 7 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
9 mai 2022, Thierry Breton se rend en personne à Austin au Texas pour rencontrer Elon Musk dans son usine Tesla. Le souhait de Musk de racheter Twitter n'agite pas que le réseau social.
Après un entretien privé, une courte vidéo est enregistrée. Image
Breton s'adresse à Musk sur un ton très professoral malgré une certaine bonhommie. Il semble lui avoir rappelé les règles européennes de régulation concernant Twitter. Musk, affable, acquiesce.
4 octobre 2022, après quelques turpitudes, Musk relance son offre d'achat de 44 Milliards de $.
Le 28 octobre, c'est par ce message laconique qu'il dévoile la conclusion : " l'oiseau est libéré "
Read 11 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
Nachhaltiges Investieren und die riesige Lüge die dahinter steckt. Warum ich persönlich wenig von ESG oder SRI Investing halte, erfahrt ihr in diesem Thread.
Gönnt euch einen ☕️ oder 🫖.

Generell verstehen einige falsch wie der Aktienmarkt funktioniert. Habe ich schon öfter gehört als #Nestle als Gesprächsthema aufkam. Wenn ihr in die Nestle-Aktie investiert, gebt ihr dem Unternehmen nicht direkt Geld. Es erfolgt im Grunde keine Unterstützung. 🤷
Das einzige was durch mehr Nachfrage getrieben wird, ist der Aktienkurs. Steigt der Aktienkurs, kann sich Nestle günstiger "refinanzieren" bzw. eine Kapitalerhöhung zu günstigeren Konditionen machen.
Die letzte war 1993. 🫥 (Korrigiert mich gerne..)
Read 23 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
#CCI is an indicator which is used in the #stockmarket

This learning thread would be on
"𝙐𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝘾𝘾𝙄"

Also, an investment strategy and trading strategy is shared

If you appreciate this, a Like & Retweet will go a long way in maximizing the reach of this tweet♥️

Before we start with various strategies, just a brief about Commodity Channel Index (CCI) which is a momentum-based oscillator used to help determine when an investment vehicle is reaching a condition of being overbought or oversold.

#CCI is freely available indicator on all charting platforms. I have added CCI indicator on @tradingview.

There are three important numbers in CCI which are -100, 0 and +100.

Shaded region marks range from -100 to +100.

Read 19 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
allo @Economie_Gouv @BrunoLeMaire

c'est pour un signalement n°148

@LeesEchos confirment nos données #AlloBercy : RECORDl de dividendes et rachats d'action pour le #CAC40 en 2021, en pleine pandémie : 69,4 milliards €

RAPPEL : 100% de ces groupes ont reçu des aides publiques. Image
➡️100% du #CAC40 reçoit des aides publiques en 2020 et/ou 2021,
➡️profits cumulés en 2020 : 39,7 Mds €
➡️175% des profits 2020 versés aux actionnaires en 2021
➡️le #CAC40 a puisé dans sa trésorerie pour rémunérer les actionnaires "quoi qu'il en coûte"
Nos #CHAMPIONS sont :
➡️@LOrealGroupe : 12,3 Mds €
➡️@TotalEnergies : 7,1 Mds €
➡️@SanofiFrance ; 4,4 Mds €
➡️@Stellantis : 4,2 Mds €
➡️@AXAFrance : 4,1 Mds €
➡️@ArcelorMittal : 4 mds €
➡️@LVMH : 3,5 Mds €

A noter : les banques n'ont pas pu verser autant que désiré. Image
Read 4 tweets
Dec 3rd 2021
इतकी वर्ष तुम्ही खात असलेली किटकॅट चॉकलेट नसून वेफर आहे.

किटकॅट खाल्ली नाही असा माणूस भारतात शोधूनही तुम्हाला सापडणार नाही. 'हॅव अ ब्रेक, हॅव अ किटकॅट' ही त्यांची टॅगलाईन आजही अनेकांच्या ओठांवर असते. बऱ्याच जणांनी आयुष्यभराच्या आणाभाका या किटकॅटच्याच साक्षीने घेतल्या होत्या.
मात्र १९९९ मध्ये याच किटकॅट मुळे एक मोठा वाद निर्माण झाला होता. एवढा की किटकॅट बनवणार नेस्ले कंपनी थेट कोर्टात गेली होती.

अर्थात त्याला कारणंही तसं होतं. किटकॅट बाजारात आणताना नेस्लेनी छोटीशी गेम केली होती.
#म #मराठी #kitkat #किटकॅट #Nestle
त्यांनी किटकॅट हा वेफरचा प्रकार असून त्यावर फक्त चॉकलेटचं कोटिंग आहे असं सांगत किटकॅटला १०% टॅक्स ब्रॅकेटमध्ये बसवलं.
टॅक्सवाले लोकसुद्धा लेचेपेचे नव्हते. त्यांचं म्हणणं होतं, 'किटकॅट हे चॉकलेट आहे ज्याच्या आतमध्ये वेफर आहे.' त्यामुळे त्याला २०% टॅक्स लागला पाहिजे.
#म #मराठी
Read 9 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
[THREAD] Your plastic waste has already been segregated. Time to head to a plastic collection point near you! Here’s a list of facilities if you’re from Luzon. Let’s strive to be as close to plastic neutral as possible.
To share information on other collection points near you, click here:
For more information about these plastic collection points, click here:
Read 4 tweets
Sep 24th 2021
Am Sonntag ist #btw21. Nachdem mein Kollege @sven_kindler vorgelegt hat und ein “Best-of” zu den Leistungen von @AndreasScheuer zusammengestellt hat, hab ich mal die „Leistungen“ von @JuliaKloeckner zusammengefasst.
Ein (langer) Thread
Beginnen wir mit der wohl größten Schlappe für Klöckner in ihrer Amtszeit: Schon von Anfang an zu lasch und unverbindlich, waren die Pläne für das staatl. „Tierwohllabel“ eine einzige Katastrophe.…
Weder sollte das Label verpflichtend sein, noch waren die Anforderungen ausreichend: Die Schweine hätten bei der “Stufe 1” gerade mal 0,9 m2 mehr Platz gehabt- so viel wie 1,5 DinA4 Seiten. Bei dieser “Verbesserung” von Tierschutz zu sprechen ist Verbrauchertäuschung!
Read 25 tweets
Sep 22nd 2021

#IRCTC > 100% Market share in Rail Network.

#IEX >90% market share in power trading.

#Zyduswellness >90% market share in sugar free product.

#Eichermotors >85% market share in 250cc bikes category.

#MCX >85% market share in commodity trading.

#Coalindia >80% market share in coal production in India.

#ITC >75% market share in cigarettes.

#HondaSiel >75% in portable power generators.

#HindustanZinc >75% market share in primary zinc industry.

#AsahiIndiaGlass >70% market share in automotive glass.

#NRBBearings >70% market share in needle roller bearings.

#Pidilite >65% market share in adhesives.

#CAMS >65% market share in RTA within mutual fund industry.

#TimeTechnoplast >65% market share in polymer based industrial packaging.

Read 10 tweets
Jun 2nd 2021
When Mr. Market admires #Oatly ($OTLY.US) and has a lapse in memory of past sector deals, a healthy refresher is needed.
Plant-based cream on #Danone’s ($BN.FP) morning coffee, a lengthy thread (x/11):
In the summer of 2016 #Danone acquired #WhiteWave for $12.5b or c. 14x EV/EBITDA 2016F aft syn. Danone became the leader in plant-based food with an estimated market share of >40%. The acquisition added many plant-based brands, but more importantly the #Alpro and #Silk products.
#Danone plant-based portfolio includes (est,ori):
-Silk (1977, WW)
-Alpro (1980, WW)
-Promavel (1983, WW)
-So Delicious (1987, WW)
-Activia’s PB product (2019, R&D)
-Danette’s PB product (2020, R&D)
-Actimel’s PB product (2020, R&D)
- Follow your heart (1988, 2020,Earth Island)
Read 11 tweets
Jun 1st 2021
Thoughts on the Nestle story
#Thread #NESTLE @Nestle

- FT accessed an internal presentation of the Company

- >60% of mainstream F&B drinks pdts don’t meet health stds

- 37% of Co’s products achieve star rating of 3.5 under Australia’s health star rating system
.@Nestle to @CNBCTV18Live
- Assessing part of F&B portfolio to be measured against external nutrition profiling systems

- About half of our sales, infant nutrition, specialized health products etc, not covered by these systems

(So only 30% of overall pdts “unhealthy”)

Impact on @NestleIndia?

- Not much, in my opinion as India portfolio is much smaller than overall global portfolio

- Co has been working towards reducing Sodium & Sugar in their products over the last 7 years or so

Read 6 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
There are 175 corps/institutions now overseeing your children's #education going forward. They will be shaping/molding your child's #ideologies &
#worldviews - all while harvesting their data.

Global Education Coalition Members (announced Mar 18 2020): Image
"Civil society & non-profit organizations" (those serving capital & elite institutions) include:

-Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
#ONE (Bono)
-Global Business Coalition for #Education
#Sesame Workshop

See image. #4IR Image
Read 14 tweets
Apr 17th 2021
Wie kann es sein?
Es wird laut gegen Rechts gebrüllt

Aber nicht wirklich viel passiert.

Dafür werden Bürger die wenn es dazu kommt GEGEN Rechts zu demonstrieren, hart angegangen und als libksextremisten bezeichnet?

Wie kann es sein das VIEL getan 1/
werden soll wegen CORONA?

Aber es wird nur abgewartet und gelabert wegen KanzlerKANDIDATEN Geplänkel.
#Söder vs #Laschet

Davor aber noch das interne Fiasko mit der Pandemie.

Davor aber erstmal die gewöhnliche Korruption


Bis zurück zu Kohls Schwarzgeld und wer weiß was noch...

Dann kommt da ein Minister, der Verträge abschließt OHNE zu dürfen und den STEUERZAHLER richtig Geld kostet. Und sogar mehr verbockt... Aber OK #ScheuerRuecktritt

Read 12 tweets
Apr 11th 2021

#IRCTC* 100% Market share in Rail Network.
#IEX* >90% market share in power trading.
#Zydus wellness* >90% market share in sugar free product.
#Eicher motors* >85% market share in 250cc bikes category.
#MCX* >85% market share in commodity trading.
#coalindia India* >80% market share in coal production in India.
#ITC* >75% market share in cigarettes.
#HondaSiel* >75% in portable power generators.
#Hindustan Zinc* >75% market share in primary zinc industry.
#AsahiIndia Glass* >70% market share in automotive glass.
#NRB Bearings* >70% market share in needle roller bearings.
#Pidilite* >65% market share in adhesives.
#CAMS* >65% market share in RTA within mutual fund industry.
#TimeTechnoplast* >65% market share in polymer based industrial packaging.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
#Nestle - Analyst meet key takeaways @NestleIndia

Time for thread 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


Rural India will witness increased focus, aims to increase distribution to ~120,000 villages from 89,288 currently (2/n)
*Total reach*: has increased by ~18% to 4.7mn outlets between CY16 to CY20. In the same period, villages covered increased from 1000 to 89,288 and company aims to further increase coverage to ~120,000 villages i.e. 34% increase in next 4 years. (3/n)
Read 9 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
#Nestle valuation 🧵

History : Image
Sales trend :

2002 : 2000Cr
2020 : 14000Cr

Sales growth rate : 11.42% CAGR

Note the sales dip during Maggi fiasco : ImageImage
Profit trend :

2002 : 200Cr
2020 : 1900Cr

Profit growth rate : 13.32% CAGR ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Dec 27th 2020
#Nestle valuation

History :
Sales trend :
Profit trend :
Read 5 tweets

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