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Mar 16th 2023
$AEE to provide clarity on possible outcomes: #uranium 3yr returns
At 56c = 2.0x 2025/26 CF > 3x return

At 28c = 1.0x 2025/26 CF > 7x return

At 14c = 0.5x > 14x return

Plenty of incoming catalysts over 2023 and 2024.
Note assuming Haggan coming on line in 2028, then the Cap/CF at 28c drops to <0.3x = >20x upside
The best time to buy #AuraEnergy was at 2.6c, the 2nd best time will be at the incoming cycle lows as #Equitymarkets & #Commodities bottom out. When will this be you ask? Likely between 3-9 months post the Pivot.

What are we doing?
Scaling into plays trading on 200% CF 3yr out
Read 3 tweets
Sep 27th 2022
What really causes inflation? 🧵

[a thread for normies - like me]
2/ The problem with #inflation is that it's a very personal experience.

As I always say, the wallet is the most sensitive organ in the body, so my inflation might not be your inflation.

In fact, my inflation could be seen as #disinflation by you... (more on that later)
3/ Price inflation and monetary inflation have different definitions:

* For many.- #inflation is the increased prices paid for goods & services.

** To others.- it's a decline in the purchasing power of your #money.

*** In layman's terms.- Too much money chasing too few goods.
Read 25 tweets
Jul 16th 2022
The Power of The Dollar 🧵

[a thread for normies -like me]
Long periods of #dollar-strength often ended with massive financial dislocations like the Latin American #debt crisis of the 80s and the Asian crisis of the 90s.

Oppositely, long periods of a weakening dollar came with strong markets like between 2003-2007.

Although the #USdollar is not itself an asset, cash is.

The dollar is the most common currency in which assets are quoted and exchanged in #financialmarkets and the economy.

It's the world's reserve currency (for now at least...) 2/ 20
Read 22 tweets
Feb 22nd 2022
From Jan 2018 to peak of #EquityMarkets on 18th Oct 2021, #SmartInvesting of @IamMisterBond underperformed #BuyAndHold only against #NIFTY50 but beat NIFTY Mid and Small Cap 100 by a big margin.

Post that, markets have been #volatile with downward bias Image
Results of Smart Investing v/s Buy & Hold under all Market Caps is for all to see - with 1) lower volatility, 2) beating results of Buy & Hold by big margins

#SmartInvesting switched to Equity in Mar 20 after downside protection and switched back to DAAF by Jul 20
3) Values under Buy & Hold have gone down substantially from Oct 2021 to Feb 2022 v/s values going down marginally under Smart Investing due to being in #DAAF, 4) Smart Investing portfolios better placed at current juncture to take advantage of market #volatility v/s Buy & Hold
Read 6 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
A small thread on what i have understood by the term #Correction in #Markets👇

#Correction happens, we all know that..
But had somebody thought what's the behaviour of correction in markets??

Basically, there are two types of corrections, whether it is #EquityMarkets or #CommodityMarkets or #CurrencyMarkets; what-so-ever may be the #Price!

One is #Pricewise Correction & the other is #Timewise Correction!

Read 7 tweets
Dec 7th 2019
Mishra Dhatu Nigam CMP 150
👉 Engaged in Mfg., development & supply of critical alloys
👉 Only manufacturer of titanium alloys in India
👉 Strategic material partner to the Indian defence, space & power sectors
👉 Robust Financial performance
👉 Strong 💪 Order Book
👉Growth driving expansion strategies. The commercial production of Vehicle & Personnel Armouring products at company's plant at Rohtak is likely to commence by the end of FY20

👉 Successfully completed 1st commercial Bullet Proof Vehicles to the CAPF in Mar'19

👉MDNL entered into a JV with NALCO to establish an Aluminium Alloy Mfg. Plant in AP under "Make in India" approach of GOI

👉The company's Mfg. facility of Helical Compression Springs is being set up at the existing plant located in Hyderabad

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