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Nov 13th 2022
Not sure who GOP consultant @TheThomasGuide is -- besides the man who just started a Ron DeSantis Super PAC -- but talking to big liberal media about how stupid Republicans are is not the DeSantis way.

P.S. FL media less popular than COVID in FL GOP.

cc: @KurtSchlichter
In October, John Thomas dismissed the DeSantis use of state funds to move illegal migrants to Martha's Vineyard as "self-interest." He said "Republicans win on pocketbook issues with (voters), not busing migrants across the country."…

In August, Thomas seemed to abandon his idea for a DeSantis super PAC after the Mar-A-Lago raid by the FBI. It rallied Republicans to Trump. "It's not gonna go well for DeSantis," Thomas said.

Man! With Super PAC friends like that. Who needs enemies? (3)…
Read 4 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
Rick Scott was a great #FLGov from 2011 to 2019. He rebuilt the Florida GOP and then won the #FLSen seat. But he screwed up with his national plan, trying to build a platform for himself for a national position like Majority Leader. (1)
There's no denying that if you could list five to six things that slowed the GOP momentum in 2022, @ScottforFlorida's plan to vote on Social Security and Medicare every five years was a gift to Democrats, much like Paul Ryan's thick-headed budget plans in 2011. (2)
It makes no difference that Joe Biden lied about Scott's plan by saying the GOP would vote on authorizing Social Security "every year." Scott gave Biden a target, and forced GOP and fact-checkers to write about the plan. (3)
Read 10 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
Congratulations @RonDeSantisFL!

Lives are being saved in Florida today thanks to Gov. DeSantis’ strong leadership. We are grateful for his unflinching commitment to moms and babies and look forward to his continued leadership for life! #FLGov #LifeWins22 1/ Image
Gov. DeSantis is right: we are all better when everyone counts, and this is a winning message and issue for pro-life Republicans nationwide. 2/
At the #FLGov debate @RonDeSantisFL called out his opponent Charlie Crist for his atrocious "NO" vote on the bill to require medical care for newborn babies who survive an abortion attempt on their life: 3/
Read 8 tweets
Sep 20th 2022
Bexar County (Texas) Sheriff Salazar basically admitted he is investigating #FLGov Ron DeSantis for violation of Democratic policy. Not a violation of the law. This continues the trend of Democratic abuse of the levers of law enforcement. (1)
The exact quote: "At this point I'm not able to definitively say 'Here’s the statute that they broke, either federal, state or local,' but what I can tell you is that it’s wrong. Just from a human rights perspective, what was done to these folks is wrong." (2)
That's a remarkable quote. You don't have to be a first-year law student to understand that @SheriffSalazar basically hurt his investigation from the get-go. salazar must have come under tremendous political pressure to do this. (3)
Read 14 tweets
Sep 20th 2022
In many campaigns, sometimes there is an endorsement that serves as a finishing move. Today, the former mayor of Palm Beach County (!), a Democrat, endorsed #FLGov Ron DeSantis. #flsen #sayfie
It's hard to believe a South Florida Democrat who once served the tony liberal communities of Palm Beach et al. would endorse Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. Palm Beach Co. is one of the three big South Florida Democratic counties. (2)
To be fair, Palm Beach is probably the least Democratic county of South Florida. It has a lot of Republicans, as does Miami-Dade. Joe Biden beat Trump by less than 100K in Palm Beach in 2020. (3)
Read 8 tweets
Sep 13th 2022
Wow, even for midterms, this is a new one.

@EchelonInsights poll of #TXGov (813 LV, 8/31-9/7):

@GregAbbott_TX: 48%
@BetoORourke: 46%

Biden underwater at 41-58 in TX (47-52 nationally)…
@EchelonInsights @GregAbbott_TX @BetoORourke Okay, now some other good insights from this.

#AZSen and #AZGov:

@KariLake: 40%
@KatieHobbs: 50%

@bgmasters: 37%
@CaptMarkKelly: 52%

(773 LV, Biden approvals at 40-59)
#GASen and #GAGov:

@ReverendWarnock: 50%
@HerschelWalker: 40%

@staceyabrams: 48%
@BrianKempGA: 47%

(751 LV, Biden approvals: 43-55)
Read 11 tweets
Sep 4th 2022
For what it is worth, the margin of victory for every FL gov and presidential race back to 2010:

SCOTT #FLGOV - 2010 - 62K
OBAMA PRES - 2012 - 73K (Dem tide)
SCOTT #FLGOV - 2014 - 64K
TRUMP PRES - 2016 - 113K
DeSANTIS #FLGOV - 2018 - 32K (Dem tide)
TRUMP PRES - 2020 - 371K
DeSantis' victory in 2018 was against strong Democratic headwinds and Gillums' impressive cash haul of $55M. DeSantis was able to outspend Gillums in 2018. He also pounded Gillums on TV as being too liberal. (2)
But the GOP also held on to their big majorities in the Legislature. They lost no seats in the Senate and 2 in the House. (3)
Read 10 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
Gun safety activist Maxwell Alejandro Frost has expanded his lead in safely blue #FL10. 76% of estimated vote in, he's beating state Sen. Randolph Bracy 34-25; ex-Reps. Alan Grayson and Corrine Brown at 16 and 10.
#FL11 is TIGHT. 71% of estimated vote in, Webster leads Loomer 47.8-47.7, margin of 95 VOTES.
Two of #FL11's four counties, Orange and Polk, aren't reporting anything. If Loomer's strength is confided to The Villages, gives Webster breathing room. If not ...
Read 13 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
Polls have closed in most of Florida, where a huge amount of votes usually start coming in early; Oklahoma is at 8 PM ET/ 7 local time, New York 9 ET. We'll be liveblogging the results and tweeting here…
This is the biggest U.S. election night from now till November. Check out our cheat sheet for what to follow!…
You can also find our preview of tonight's MANY big races…
Read 23 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
By the end of June 2018, @FlaDems #flgov candidates had spent $13,829,726 on TV, or $3.5 million more than Nikki and Charlie have on hand now — combined.

This primary is super underfunded.
All social/earned/word of mouth.
Crist only has ~$2.7 million more than Nikki, or less than Chris King had spent on TV by early/mid July.

It's actually shocking it's that close. Charlie is the greatest fundraiser I've ever been around. Our (Nikki) original primary prediction had him +$10-13 million advantage.
The difference in cash is negligible — almost nothing in a statewide. Really not ideal for either candidate leading into a general. However, Nikki will benefit from the "comeback" narrative because media/establishment will be surprised. That will help her intro to general.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 4th 2021
On that @StPetePolls result mentioned in this column, I'm a bit skeptical for a few reasons:

-Biden having a 21% GOP approval rating and only a 77% Dem approval rating
-Biden returning to Clinton levels of support in Miami

That's a huge change in just 8 months.
Something like that would be extraordinary, but that'd require a fair bit of extra evidence to make me think that the change is by that much. And although I expect Crist to outperform Biden with whites by a fair amount, a 10% overperformance is a *lot*.
I mean, I could actually plausibly believe Crist is at 40% with whites; I just don't think he gains on it by too much, and I'd think undecideds break for DeSantis.

On another note, the difference in candidate quality between Crist and Fried is now being shown in several polls
Read 4 tweets
Oct 17th 2019
We should do a whole thread of all the photos. We can call it the “I never knew the guy, I was dead at the time!” thread. 🙄 #Parnas #Fruman #LevAndIgor #Correia #Kukushkin
Read 88 tweets
Nov 10th 2018
Affidavit of Chelsey Marie Smith filed in Caldwell v. Snipes.
#FLSen #FLGov
The affidavit is from 2016 and is included as background to show a pattern of misconduct by Snipes.
Caldwell wants an injunction forcing Snipes to remove from the count absentees ballots that were received after the legal deadline.

He is represented by former U.S. Senator George LeMieux.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 10th 2018
[Thread] This week's Voting Rights Roundup newsletter: 2018 was a smashing win for North Carolina democracy, breaking the GOP's veto-proof legislative majorities & paving the way for the Dem-majority NC Supreme Court to strike down the GOP's gerrymanders…
Florida voters delivered a huge blow against a remnant of Jim Crow by automatically restoring voting rights to up to 1.4 million people who have fully completed their felony sentences. FL had barred 1 in 10 adults from voting, including 1 in 5 black people…
Michigan voters struck a critical blow against GOP gerrymandering by passing an independent redistricting commission. The GOP has won at least 1 legislative chamber despite losing the popular vote in 5 of the last 9 elections, including both chambers 2018…
Read 9 tweets
Nov 8th 2018
THREAD: No one is above the law. Especially not the President.

And across the country, Indivisibles are joining the @MoveOn #NobodyIsAboveTheLaw mobilizations right now 👇
Read 124 tweets
Nov 8th 2018
The Florida governor’s race is now within the automatic recount margin (at .47 vs a required .50). Gillum concession still stands as of now but he is calling for every vote to be counted. Provisionals and absentees still being tallied. #FLGov not quite over yet.
Also as some of you have mentioned in the replies, the Democratic candidate for Agricultural Commissioner, Nikki Fried, has now gone ahead of her Republican opponent in the recount, 50%-49.9%. Welcome to Florida elections, everybody!
Read 4 tweets
Nov 7th 2018
I wrote the thread below on Monday to preview #overlookedelectionstakes: stuff that's way-under-the-radar but so crucial. Now that you've digested the big-picture stuff, time to delve back into all that. In this new thread, I'll review the results of those stakes—& add new ones.
North Carolina: GOP's rumored hope to pack state Supreme Court was thwarted as civil rights attorney Anita Earls ousted Justice Jackson & expanded Dems' majority from 4-3 to 5-2. (Court can only have 2 more seats.) Matters for voting rights litigation. #overlookedelectionstakes
New Hampshire: Safiya Wazir, a one-time refugee, ousted state Rep. Dick Patten in a Dem primary. But Patten attacked Wazir for being an immigrant & a mother, & he endorsed Wazir's GOP opponent. Yesterday, Wazir won. She's heading to the state House. #overlookedelectionstakes
Read 49 tweets
Nov 6th 2018
ELECTION NIGHT THREAD: This will be my thread for the night, starting with this great story from @katherinemiller, with its hour-by-hour accounting of what is going on tonight and when it's (likely) going to happen.…
And ... polls are closed in Kentucky and Indiana.
NOTE: As happens every election, there'll be a couple polling places/counties in several states that stay open later due to issues from earlier in the day. So, check your specific county/polling place if you need to vote! For ex, Monroe County in Indiana:…
Read 43 tweets
Nov 1st 2018
Wait? The oh so charming Omar Smith from Gillum’s campaign was also the treasurer of a PAC? Aren’t they not supposed to coordinate directly with candidates? #FLGov
Should be noted the PAC’s status was recently revoked, Omar wasn’t a very good treasurer probably distracted by all the damn crackers.…
Last letter on file to Omar was October 1st🧐…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 28th 2018
Newsday --- October 28th, 2018 --- Sun
Nov 6th, 2018
9 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
Newsday --- October 28th, 2018 --- Sun
Nov 6th, 2018
9 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
Newsday --- October 28th, 2018 --- Sun
Nov 6th, 2018
9 Days Until Mid-Terms

I am adopting "The Wictor Block" Rule:

Be smart/playful/sincere....Feels Good Man

You come at me too hard and aggressively....looking for a response:
I will Block and Move On.
Read 87 tweets
Oct 22nd 2018
Huge weekend for Democratic gubernatorial candidates getting major newspaper endorsements. (THREAD WARNING)
In #iagov, @FredHubbell got endorsed by the 2 largest papers in Iowa on Sunday.

1. @DMRegister: "He is perhaps the most qualified person in decades to seek Iowa’s governorship"

2. @gazettedotcom: "Hubbell is the best choice to dramatically change course at the Statehouse."
In #FLGov, Andrew Gillum got the endorsement of the @orlandosentinel and the @MiamiHerald. He's now been endorsed by the 4 biggest newspapers in Florida.

Sentinel: "His platform is geared toward the middle class"

Herald: "The best candidate to pull Florida back to the center"
Read 11 tweets
Oct 7th 2018

Democrats in Florida have 2 chances to make history in 2018:

1. By electing @andrewgillum to #FLGov.

2. By taking the FL State Senate back after *24* years.

If you know of ANYONE in Florida, or have ANY Floridian followers, please share!
The Florida State Senate is made up of 40 seats.

22 seats are currently held by Republicans, 16 are held by Democrats, and 2 are vacant.

Democrats need a net gain of +5 seats in order to take the chamber.
Florida State Senate elections are staggered, so only 22 of the 40 seats are up for grabs in 2018.

Gaining 5 seats is tough, but the numbers prove it’s doable.

Please spread the word about these Democratic contenders!
Read 15 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
Rough 2018 TV spending numbers in #flgov primary:

Greene: $13,495,158
Levine: $10,685,644
Graham: $5,402,488
King: $3,877,897
Gillum: $98,490

But not all TV is equal. In gross rating points...
Broadcast TV gross rating points through this week:

Levine: 33,390
Greene: 32,990
King: 21,657
Graham: 9,490
Gillum: 0

What this means is...
Hypothetically, spread over 10 markets imperfectly because markets are different and not everyone is spending in all, the average voter has seen ads by these candidates this many times:

Levine: 33
Greene: 33
King: 21
Graham: 11 (number above was actually 11,417 GRPs)
Gillum: 0
Read 8 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
THREAD: We're fact-checking President @realDonaldTrump's speech tonight in Tampa in support of FL gov candidate @RonDeSantisFL. #TrumpTampa
We fact-check Rep. DeSantis over at @PolitiFactFL:… He is running against Ag Commissioner @adamputnam in the GOP primary Aug. 28
@RepDeSantis pledging to bring E-Verify to Florida. It did not happen for @FLGovScott…
Read 20 tweets

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