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🧵We want to thank all our elected leaders that joined @MomsRising’s #HonorMomsEveryDay Picnic. TY for being champions for our families (and for playing with the kids on the Capitol lawn!). 🧵
Thank you to @SpeakerPelosi for joining us at yesterday’s #HonorMomsEveryDay Mother’s Day picnic celebrating moms across the country!
@SpeakerPelosi We are so glad that Hodge and his dad @RepJimmyGomez were able to attend our #HonorMomsEveryDay picnic celebrating the mothers in our lives and fighting for care policies families need!
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An Afghanistan-Australian family, which has waited over four years to be reunited in Australia, has brought a legal challenge against the Morrison Government’s unjustified family visa processing delays. 1/8…
The family, represented by @humanrightsHRLC, argue the Minister for Immigration has unreasonably delayed their reunion with no explanation. 
Abdullah has permanent refugee protection in Australia & is desperate to bring his wife Fatema and their 4 children to live in safety. 2/8
Fatema and her children applied for a Partner visa in 2017, but they remain in Pakistan waiting for the Australian Government to decide whether they can join Abdullah in Australia and live together as a family. #FamiliesBelongTogether 3/8
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Last week ImmDef's Directing Attorney of our Cross-Border Initiative in San Diego, @CargioliM, was in court on the first day of resumed MPP 2.0 hearings to observe. This thread details what she witnessed. #EndMPP #RestoreAsylumNow #WelcomeWithDignity #AccessToJustice
Asylum seekers in MPP only have from 10 to 12 to potentially meet w/ lawyers on their day in court. That is if they can find a lawyer willing to represent them while being forced to remain in Tijuana, one of the most dangerous cities in the world. #DueProcess #AccessToCounsel
On the first day of MPP court in San Diego since the Biden administration decided to resume the deadly program, there are two judges hearing 7 cases. In the days and weeks ahead these numbers will sadly increase as more and more human beings are placed into MPP.
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3 years ago this week, our South Texas team walked into a Federal courtroom where our government separated families through a violent border-wide policy. “Will I see my children again?” asked hundreds.

But family separation was not just a Trump practice. It continues today.
Policies like Title-42, i.e. the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of immigrants under the guise of a healthcare law, continue under @JoeBiden. T-42 and toxic @DHSgov practices continue to separate families at the border- our team sees it daily.
Because #FamiliesBelongTogether, we have never stopped fighting separations and continue to reunify families at the border. Even in this administration we have reunified children with their expelled parents, and do so daily for those separated across borders by T-42 expulsions.
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Casey Revkin Ryan posts-Learn more about our work reuniting families at

This girl had been approved for release two weeks ago–we had helped her mother submit all the necessary paperwork–but HHS hadn’t gotten around to arranging transportation.
Her mother offered to go to the facility to pick her up, as is allowed by the Office of Refugee Resettlement handbook, but the unlicensed emergency intake detention facility holding her wouldn’t allow it.
On Monday (detention day 57), we escalated the report of this egregious delay to the top of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, & the very next day her mother got a call saying her travel was arranged. They reunited late that night.
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The Biden Administration is taking more steps to undo and repair some of the most cruel elements of the Trump era immigration. #WelcomeWithDignity
"The Biden Administration’s decision to stop detaining immigrants at two detention facilities in Massachusetts and Georgia and rescind associated 287(g) agreements is a welcome first step toward undoing Trump’s four year reign of cruelty against immigrants." - @DavidLeopold
"Today’s announcement by Secretary Mayorkas brings hope that in the days & weeks to come the Biden administration will end all 287(g) agreements throughout the U.S. & ensure that ICE & CBP will abide by the highest professional standards & are held accountable." - @DavidLeopold
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The Legacy of Trump’s Deterrence Policies and How We Repair — Join Defending Vulnerable Populations, or DVP, Legal Assistant Amari Verastegui, DVP Legal Fellow Elizabeth Crivaro, Strategic Capacity Officer Luis Guerra and Volunteer Coordinator Victor Flores. #ConveneWithCLINIC
Strategic Capacity Officer Luis Guerra gives an overview of #MPP also known as the "Remain in Mexico" policy.
CLINIC's Estamos Unidos Asylum Project was created to offer legal guidance to migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, often those who had been under #MPP.

Learn more here:…
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NEW: @SenBlumenthal and Rep. @JoaquinCastroTX have reintroduced Families Belong Together Act, which reunited separated families on U.S. soil and provides the survivors of the family separation policy with a pathway to citizenship.… #FamiliesBelongTogether
Rep. Castro: "While we know we can never fully do right by the children who will be forever traumatized by this political decision, the Families Belong Together Act is the bare minimum our nation owes the families who separated as an apology and a promise to do right by them."
ACLU: "These families must be reunited in US & provided citizenship, resources, care, & commitment that family separation will never happen again. We applaud the sponsors of this bill, & call on members of Congress to support this critical legislation.”…
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Family separation was cruel and didn’t work: why Republican whitewashing of Trump’s real border record cannot go unchallenged #FamiliesBelongTogether
"Family separation is one of the darkest chapters of any modern American presidency. They ripped kids from the arms of their parents, knowing full well that no tracking system was in place, and knowing full well that incalculable trauma would result." - @FrankSharry
"Hundreds of kids remain separated from their families. And now Republicans want us to believe that’s the right policy solution to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Central America. America is better than revisiting the moral stain of family separation." - @FrankSharry
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I spoke to the LA Times this weekend about news that additional sites in CA, including the Long Beach Convention Center, may open as Emergency Intake Sites for unaccompanied children.

Some key takeaways I have to this news (short thread):…
Seeking asylum is legal. Full stop.

Trump spent 4 years decimating our asylum system and emergency measures are needed to protect children in the short term.

We need to meet this moment while also reimagining what our system should look like to truly #WelcomeWithDignity.
Children should never be in govt custody for a moment longer than absolutely necessary & we need to move towards a family first model, stop separating kids from non-parental caregivers and invest in community based resources including universal representation and social services.
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Spent a long day touring the newly opened Emergency Intake Site (EIS) for unaccompanied minors at the San Diego Convention Center. Wanted to share a few thoughts on what I observed. The facility is currently detaining about 700 girls & at capacity will hold ~1400. (thread)
I will start with the positive: this is a significantly safer place for these girls than CBP custody. CBP is a deadly & dangerous place for UCs & it is a positive step that the administration is moving so quickly to open HHS facilities to get kids out of CBP. It will save lives.
The SD Convention Center is HUGE. Considering it’s only been open a few days, the infrastructure created is impressive. An on-site medical clinic, showers, laundry & 100s of cots set up w/ appropriate social distancing. Covid testing & isolation protocols are strictly adhered to.
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This happened yesterday, relayed by someone from a shelter here in #Tucson:
"We had at least three men come to the shelter tonight whose wives or partners, one of whom is seven months pregnant, were separated from them by immigration officials and dropped at a 1/
gas station in a US border town - with no money, no phones, and not a clue as to how to reunite with their husbands/partners. It’s hard to imagine such cruelty - to leave the women alone and with no resources while their husbands will go on to their sponsors. 2/
The men were absolutely beside themselves in their desperation. This is what we do to legitimate asylum seekers. This behavior is leftover from the last administration. It is evil incarnate."
This behavior is not just left over from the last administration. /3
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Biden admin task force says families separated at southern border by previous admin will have option to reunite in US:… #FamiliesBelongTogether
The admin's "statement of principles" says the task force will partner w/non-governmental orgs and private sector to provide families w/support including mental health care, w/expenses covered by govt/orgs/private sector "to the extent possible":…
.@SecMayorkas: "It is our moral imperative to not only reunite the families, but to provide them with the relief, resources, and services they need to heal.”
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President Biden just announced his plans to reopen Homestead — a jail for migrant children with a notorious history of abuse. The broken promises of the Biden administration are piling up. THREAD:
Homestead is a child migrant detention center run by a for-profit corporation — infamous for its history of abuse, neglect, overcrowding, and more. 2/
Detaining children is unacceptable — no matter who is in office. The conditions in these jails are inhumane and dangerous. Worst of all, locking more children up will separate them from their families yet again. 3/
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ACT NOW to help #StopDeportations!

Biden's 100-day moratorium on most deportations was blocked by a TX lawsuit, allowing mass deportations to continue at an alarming rate—especially of Black immigrants and asylum seekers.

Here's a thread of actions you can take ⬇️
1. Sign and share this petition to @POTUS to halt imminent deportations and take steps to ensure families remain together and free in the U.S.…

#StopDeportations #FamiliesBelongTogether
2. Use the social media posts in this #BlackHistoryMonth toolkit to highlight the experiences of Black immigrants and pressure the Biden Administration to immediately suspend deportation flights.… @HaitianBridge @fams2gether #StopDeportations
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A #HolocaustRemembranceDay🧵

Let's #NeverForget that Nazi's came to power not only through violence but by leaning into white supremacy & white economic insecurity. The indoctrination & radicalization looked a lot like patriotism at first. They found community and joy in it.
Then came blame, cruelty, ridicule, isolation, theft... with little resistance or opposition.
Then, they labeled us with yellow stars, checked our papers/monitored us, invalidated our citizenship... they separated communities... and worse yet families...
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1/On #InaugurationDay  we are here to demand profound changes to the racist, xenophobic, evil immigration system.

We will except nothing less.


2/Save Pro Se.
3/Right to council.
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Every day, families like Adrian’s* are torn apart. We do everything we can to reunite families. Help us bring families back together by getting involved today.

11 months ago, Adrian* (8) and his father were forced to remain in Mexico while his pregnant mother was allowed to cross the border. Adrian’s father worried. Not only was their family cruelly separated, his life and his son’s were in danger.
After 10 months trapped in Mexico, the situation grew worse, and Adrian’s father feared for his son’s safety. He did what he could to protect his son: He made the heartbreaking decision to send Adrian across the border alone.
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As I've struggled against the government for the past 3 years in legal defense of separated children so many of you have asked what you could do to help rescue the children. You lifted fighters like @RAICESTEXAS, @AlOtroLado_Org, @ACLU, @EveryLastOne1, @JusticeInMotion,...1/
You lifted us with your voices, your funding, your activism. Thousands of separated & interned children have been rescued because of this #Resistence, & are held once again in the arms of their families. Thousands are still being held.

And so I plead to you once again...2/
Let's finish this job in one f'n swoop. Let's bring down the supremacists raining fascist cruelty on children. To so many of you who have asked "how can I help the children". Now is your chance to make all the difference.
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Lots of people talking & being quoted re the separation, caging & othr abuses of Central American migrants,following th #Debate2020. 0 of those quoted are Central American. I just wrote a book based on decades of experience w these & other matters, but nobody's asking. Here's why
The first and most important reason is because the Democrats and their allies in media knew that actually existing Central Americans would have to share a difficult truth: the caging & separation of 1000s of Central American kids like the 1 in this pic began w Obama & Jeh Johnson
Obama separated over 5000 children fr their families--in 2011 alone. As is happening w Trump, many of those children separated fr moms were never reunited, lost in foster care or separated by a border. U can read re & hear screams n this @RaceForward rept:
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I'm sick of the victim blaming.

People who think kids separated at the border are living in "good conditions" are also likely to think:

slaves had it better here than in their homeland
women are less likely to be raped if they stay at home
asylees are better off fixing their home countries
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#Immigration is not a debate topic.

But immigrants are central to any conversation about Fighting COVID-19, American Families, Race in America, Climate Change, National Security, or Leadership.

@kwelkernbc may not ask, but no answer‘s complete without raising it. #Debates2020
On #COVID19, millions of immigrants are working alongside Americans as essential workers to fight the pandemic.

3-in-4 undocumented workers are in jobs defined as essential by DHS itself. #ImmigrantsAreEssential
But despite the great personal sacrifices they have made, undocumented immigrants and their families--including US citizens--have been largely left out of the relief that Congress has passed to date.

This is what we have long needed.…
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Towards end of the Obama admin I took my kids to protest his deportation policies. My (now) 11 y/o has asked me since why we went since Trump is much worse. I tell her we went b/c even if you like some things about a friend you still hold them accountable when they are wrong.
I know many friends, particularly immigration lawyers, are worried that if Biden wins the election, he will repeat many of Obama’s mistakes on immigration. I share this worry, but I am holding onto hope b/c I think that so much has changed. We are not the same country we were.
Elected officials who in 2004 I sat in mtgs where they said ‘asylum-seeking kids need to stop coming to the border b/c they are sabotaging chances for imm reform,’ now publicly commit to #EndMPP immediately, stop endless ICE cruelty, & lead with frame that #FamiliesBelongTogether
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Because of #FamilySeparation my clients had to:

Watched a 9 year old sister physically ripped from their mothers arms by a @CBP officer while he watched from another room banging on the window.

Thread: 👇🏾
Comb her 8 year old daughters hair and change her clothes and then put her on a bus to god knows where not sure when or if she would ever see her again #FamiliesBelongTogether
Beg the federal courts for return of her daughter only to be told it may take more than a month. #TrumpLiesEverytimeHeSpeaks
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