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Most recents (14)

Feb 17th 2023
The Freebie Files – or how Qatargate triggered a new-found love for travel transparency among MEPs… via @TI_EU
President Metsola’s reform proposals (presented behind closed doors!) are a big step in the right direction, but they don’t go far enough.
MEPs should be free to take part in events organised by third parties – but they (or the Parliament) should cover the costs. Travel and event
freebies pose a threat to the integrity of the Parliament’s work and should be banned altogether. An independent EU ethics body with real powers of investigation and enforcement should be set up to make sure the EU institutions, including the Parliament, stick to the
Read 4 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
#SupremeCourt hears the plea to bar political parties from promising #freebies to the electorate

Adv Ashwini Upadhyay: Three judges are required to take a re look at the Subhramanium Balaji judgment

Adv Shadan Farasat:. This is a politically motivated plea
Upadhyay: First is relook and another request is to form a committee to have a standard manifesto...

CJI: Let this thing be done in a proper way. Let the entire matter be considered by a three judges bench.
Upadhyay: We are proposing a committee under the secretarial guidance of the Chief Election Commissioner and with members from the finance commission etc
Read 6 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
#SupremeCourt to shortly hear the plea seeking to prevent political parties from promising freebies to the electorate before elections
Sr Adv Vikas Singh: I was suggesting a retired SC judge head the committee like Justice Lodha etc.

SG Tushar Mehta: I think a Constitutional body should head the committee to deliberate #Freebies
CJI: The person who retires or is going to retire has no value in this country.

Singh: It is the personality of the person concerned which impacts

Read 18 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
#SupremeCourt hears the case seeking to prevent political parties from promising freebies to the electorate to gain political dividend at the cost of ignoring state budgets
CJI NV Ramana: We saw your written submissions Mr Kapil Sibal. You have gone back to original stand

Sibal: Yes Mahatma Gandhi once said wise men often corrects their stand. not that I am calling myself wise

CJI: This is an important issue definitely.
CJI: See tomorrow a particular states gives a scheme, and we are all beneficiaries of scheme, can it be said it it is prerogative of govt so you cannot look into this. A debate is needed.
Read 29 tweets
Aug 19th 2022
My #Sanghi-infested #WhatsApp groups are sharing a story in an obscure California based online magazine (see pic).
Q. Why Now? the last election was in 2019 and the next is not till 2024.
A. To bury the shameful story of the shameful release of #BilkisBano's rapists. Image
The sad and depressing fact is that women have been involved in the unseemly jubilation and public felicitation of the 11 murderers and rapists who have been released.…
"Why do women support Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi?" asks the article in

You might equally ask, Whe do you battered women stand by their tormentors?
Read 5 tweets
Aug 19th 2022
இலவசங்களால் என்ன பயன் ? தமிழ் மக்கள் வாழ்வு எப்படி மேம்பட்டிருக்கிறது எனப் பிரதமருக்கு முட்டு கொடுத்து சீமான் கேள்வி எழுப்பி இருக்கிறார்.
கலைஞர் தந்த இலவச டிவி திட்டத்தின் பலன்கள் பற்றி இந்த இழையில் பார்ப்போம் #thread #freebies
1996ல் கலைஞர் இலவச டிவி அறிவிக்கும் போது 14" டிவியின் சந்தை விலை ₹5000/-. திமுக அரசு 2006-11 நடந்த 5 ஆண்டு ஆட்சியில் 1,62,59,526 குடும்பங்களுக்கு 3687 கோடி ரூபாய் செலவில் டிவி வழங்கியது. அதாவது ஒரு டிவியின் விலை சுமார் ₹2200/-. டெண்டர் முறை மூலம் அரசு வாங்கியதால் மக்களிடம்
இருந்து போயிருக்கக் கூடிய ஆயிரக்கணக்கான கோடிகள் மிச்சமாகி அது புழக்கத்தில் இருந்தது. தமிழ்நாட்டில் டிவி ஊடுருவல் (penetration) 95% ஆனதால் தமிழில் இத்தனை சேனல்கள் வந்தன. மற்ற மாநிலங்களில் HUL, P& G, ITC போன்ற பன்னாட்டு நிறுவனங்களின் பிராண்டுகளே கோலோச்சும் போது இங்கே கோல்டுவின்னர்
Read 5 tweets
Aug 17th 2022
இந்தக் காணொளி கண்டு திரு.பழனிவேல் தியாகராஜன் அவர்கள் மீது காதல் கொண்டுவிட்டேன். "மக்களுக்கு தேவையான மானியங்களை மாநில அரசு கொகுக்கக் கூடாது என்று சொல்ல மோ டி (கழுதை) யார் ?" (திரியின் இறுதியில் ஆங்கிலக் காணலாம் ). Contd
அவன் என்ன இந்த நாட்டில் செலவக் கொழிப்பை கொண்டு வந்து விட்டானா, தமிழ்நாட்டுக்கு பொருளாதார அறிவுரை சொல்ல?

அவன் என்ன பொருளாதாரப் படிப்பில் இரண்டு டாக்டர் பட்டம் பெற்று வைத்திருக்கிறானா எங்களுக்கு அறிவுரை சொல்ல ?
அவனுக்கு எங்களுக்கு "மானியம் கொடுக்காதே " என்று கட்டளை இட அரசியல் சாசனம் அவனுக்கு அதிகாரம் கொடுக்கிறதா ?

ஒரு முடியும் இல்லை.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
In #SupremeCourt CJI calls upon Senior Advocate and Parliamentarian Kapil Sibal, to ask for his opinion in plea by @AshwiniUpadhyay seeking directions to ECI not to permit political parties to distribute freebies from from public fund before elections. Sibal says its serious.
Sibal further informed the court that the solution is difficult but when finance commission allocates funds to states, they must consider the problem of freebies and the amount of debt each state has. He said that the government cannot be expected to pass any directions
The court, on hearing Sibal’s suggestion, adjourned the matter while asking ASG KM Natraj to take instructions in this regard.

Read 4 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
#SupremeCourt to hear a plea seeking direction to register FIRs against political parties for allegedly inducing voters by offering freebies
#FreeBies @ECISVEEP Image
CJI: We all three think this is a PIL with motivated agenda and with a hidden agenda. we should impose costs Who are you?

Adv: I am the leader of Hindu Sena

CJI: Why dont you implead in pending matter
Justice AS Bopanna: why have you added particular names. this makes it motivated

Adv: i will withdraw it with liberty to file afresh

CJI: What liberty? this is opportunity public interest litigations ! #supremecourt
Read 5 tweets
Sep 3rd 2021
To add Delhi under @AamAadmiParty is:
▪️3rd highest in per capita income
▪️Lowest in fiscal debt
▪️ONLY state running in profit
▪️ONLY state with no corruption convictions
▪️Giving Janta its rights & good govt services frm Janta's own money✌🏻13/n
#DelhiModel #KejriwalKiGuarantee
#Delhi State lowest in fiscal debt at the end of FY 2020-21. Source: RBI. 14/n
#DelhiModel #Economy #KejriwalKiGuarantee #Freebies Image
Read 3 tweets
Jan 24th 2020
On January 13th, 2020, shortly before midnight Pacific time, our good friend @DrunkAlexJones debuted the hashtag #FishingForRobots in order to, well, fish for robots. #ThursdayThoughts #ManyFishBite

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@DrunkAlexJones @ZellaQuixote We used three different tools (Hypefury, Crowdfire, and TweetDeck) to schedule @DrunkAlexJones #FishingForRobots tweetstorms at roughly midnight PST on seven recent occasions. 91 additional accounts picked up the hashtag, 76 of which are at least mostly automated.
@DrunkAlexJones @ZellaQuixote We designed #FishingForRobots tweets to attract bots, and evolved them several times over the course of the experiment. The first set of tweets (sent via Hypefury) contained hashtags we knew from previous experience would likely result in bots retweeting or cloning the tweets.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 31st 2019
Follow along as Oliver and I see what we can see and do for $20 @mnstatefair. Pre-paid for a ticket (and he is free), 🚲 to the nearest free park and ride... Image
Walked by @ks95 just in time for a free @JonnyPops. $20 remain. Image
#AllStarStuntDogs show at the #northwoods stage. $20 remain. @mnstatefair Image
Read 21 tweets
Mar 26th 2019
@Kaalateetham @INCIndia India's population - 1.3B
20% of it 0.26B

0.26B x 72,000/- INR = 18,720B = 18.7 lakh crores which is almost one tenth of our country's GDP.

Considering the debt we will have - Rahul Gandhi will take us back another hundred years! #MinimumIncomeGuarantee
@Kaalateetham @INCIndia *(#venezuela is a dead bankrupt country because of #socialistmeasures by Maduro, prez.* Pro-China & Pro-Pakistan, RahulGandhi wants to bring this state to India, with his brainless populist measures)
India spends 1.5% of its GDP on defence, 1% on health, and ~2.7% on education.
@Kaalateetham @INCIndia Pappu is promising 14% of GDP as #freebies to win 2019 elections. This so called fake Gandhi #RahulGandhi instead of making people competent with skills, is making them useless, incompetent with a dead promise of freebies (which never would see the light)
Read 8 tweets
Apr 1st 2018
Benefits of having three kids #1:
Absolutely noone (family & others) gives unprompted parenting advice anymore (probably because they gave up).
Benefits of having three kids #2:
Being able to say (in theory) things like: “well, *some* of my kids play Golf”
Benefits of having three kids #3:
Being able to switch from man to zone defense at home.
Read 33 tweets

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