Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #HASHTAG

Most recents (24)

सदस्यता छिन गई , घर छीन लिया गया , वह सड़क पर था , लंबे - लंबे डग भरता चला जा रहा था ,
“ अपनी माँ के पास “ बुदबुदाते हुए - सिविल नाफ़रमानी । उसके पैर दिल्ली में हैं , मन दक्षिण अफ़्रीका के पीटरमेरिट्ज़बर्ग के प्लेटफ़ार्म पर ।
पत्थर की हवेली ठहाके लगा रही थी , - “मिटा के रख देंगे , नाम लेवा कोई नहीं होगा । “
लेकिन सड़क नम थी । दोनों किनारों पर आह पसरा था ।
इतिहास मुस्कुरा रहा था ।अपनी छाती उघार कर दिया , चीख कर बोला पढ़ो -
दक्षिण अफ़्रीका का पीटरमरिट्जबर्ग रेलवे स्टेशन
चलती ट्रेन से एक भारतीय वकील एम के गाँधी को
बाहर फेंका गया था ।
ट्रेन चली गई , गाँधी को ट्रेन से बाहर फेंकने वाले
चले गये ।
गाँधी उठा और पूरे अंग्रेज़ी साम्राज्य को भसका दिया
Read 5 tweets
#Cybertroupes et #cyborgs.
"Stratégies, outils et techniques pour la #manipulation des réseaux sociaux". Etude d'Oxford de 2017, sur 28 pays sur comment des "troupes #cyber" interagissent avec les utilisateurs sur #Twitter, FB et autres réseaux.… ⏬suite ImageImage
Comment ces #cybertroupes, financées par des gouvernements ou des partis ou des groupes privés interagissent avec les utilisateurs sur Twitter, FB et autres réseaux.
Interactions négatives (insultes, harcèlement, #trolling) avec les dissidents politiques ou journalistes.. suite⏬
Parfois les cybertroupes postent des messages neutres juste pour distraire du sujet initial. "Empoisonnement de #hashtag" par exemple en Arabie Saoudite où ils postaient du spam sur un hashtag en tendance, pour le faire baisser. Ou répondre par un article de fact check. suite⏬
Read 8 tweets
Basic search:
- Để tìm được cơ hội retroactive, testnet, airdrop, whitelist chỉ cần tìm các #hashtag, tìm những tweet có thời điểm post gần nhất
- Xem dự án có tốt và tiềm năng airdrop cao không.
- Joined 6/2022 có vẻ ok.
- Xem dự án có tốt và tiềm năng airdrop cao không.
- Joined 6/2022 có vẻ ok.
- Vào discord xem số lượng, số lượng ít thì có nghĩa mình vào sớm và cơ hội nhận airdrop cao.
@threadreaderapp unroll
Read 3 tweets
Ich habe ja versprochen, wenn die ersten 100 in der Liste der #ClimateRevolution41World eingetragen sind, mal einen längeren Thread zu schreiben
Erst einmal möchte ich allen danken, die sich in so kurzer Zeit angeschlossen haben
Die Ursprüngliche Liste hatte ich schon vor 1/×
ca. 3 Jahren unter dem Hashtag #Klimarevolution angelegt, in der auch viele engere Freund:innen schon mit gemacht hatten und die auch hier auf Twitter unermüdlich für Gerechtigkeit und eine Zukunft kämpfen,in der alle Lebewesen eine Zukunft haben
Diese Liste hatte etwa 50 2/×
Zum Jahreswechsel 2021/22 kam dann ein Discord Kanal dazu, in dem wir auch schon so einiges an aktuellen Themen gesammelt hatten
Dann wurden wir Anfang 2022 alle von #Putlers Krieg überrascht und über viele Monate hin, war dass das alles beherrschende Thema 3/×
Read 40 tweets
ZDF Magazin Royale
- Transfeindlichkeit ist Trend
Ausstrahlungstermin: 2. Dezember 2022
Zu beachten sind die Verfahrungsgrundsätze und die ZDF-Satzung § 21 und die Netiquette /1………
Die Programmbeschwerde kann online direkt an den Fernsehrat gerichtet werden. Bei der förmlichen Programmbeschwerde ist es wichtig anzuführen, welche Programmgrundsätze verletzt wurden, was eine intensive Beschäftigung mit diesen Grundsätzen voraussetzt./2…
Warum sollte man sich unbedingt über diese Sendung beschweren? Weil hier eine gezielte Missachtung mehrerer Programmgrundsätze vorliegt und sie somit den Anforderungen an eine öffentliche-rechtliche Anstalt genügt.
Zur Beschwerde im Einzelnen führe ich beispielhaft einige /3
Read 40 tweets
The possible collapse of twitter has made me super sad and reflective about what this site has meant to me and how it shaped my work as a literacy researcher and educator and now as an early platform ceo.

i have 45 minutes and i'm about to tweet my guts out.
i was thinking of pitching like a "eulogy for twitter" to @TeenVogue but i'm gonna tweet first instead, unroll it later, and see what i can do with it.

this is off the dome first draft material, we'll see what themes come out. stay with me.
i want to think through how i've used twitter since i made my first account in 2008, how it impacted my teaching and research, what i wish this site could've been, the rise of the multiracial patriarchy whitelash, and ultimately how and why i founded @germnetwork this year
Read 64 tweets

Je n’ai aucune idée de comment appeler ce THREAD 😅

Ce n’est peut être pas un THREAD 🤣

Argent - retraite - qualité de vie

#retraite #argent #Hashtag 😂⬇️
▶️ Pourquoi j’investis ?

Dans un premier temps parce que c’est addictif. Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais ça devient une philosophie de vie.

Dans un second temps pour préparer ma retraite avec ma femme. ⬇️
▶️ Qualité de vie !?

J’ai toujours privilégié la qualité de vie à travailler dur pour gagner plus.

A un moment il faut profiter de la vie et des membres de sa famille.

Alors je veux en venir où ?⬇️
Read 8 tweets
Psssst can we embody some truth über dieses bizarre "Interview" in der @fr?…
Fängt ja gleich gut an:
"Causa Vollbrecht: Zwischen Leugnung von NS-Verbrechen und Transfeindlichkeit"
@fr Es gibt keine Causa "Vollbrecht", sondern die Causa (Grund des Rechtsstreits) ist der von Dr. Mahr ins Leben gerufene Hashtag. Die Überschrift suggeriert, dass es sich bei der Beklagten um Frau Vollbrecht handeln würde, was allerdings nicht den Tatsachen entspricht. 👇
@fr Die einstweilige Verfügung wurde gegen die dgti erwirkt und jetzt (vorläufig) außer Kraft gesetzt. Meines Wissens liegt gegen Frau Vollbrecht weder eine Klage wegen "Leugnung von NS-Verbrechen" noch eine Klage wegen Transfeindlichkeit vor. Die Überschrift gibt den Vorgang 👇
Read 24 tweets

Com vídeos, dicas de livros, reportagens e filmes, o perfil @jairmearrependi figurou entre as maiores referências de oposição ao governo de Jair Bolsonaro (PL) nas redes sociais. O perfil é anônimo, ao menos até segunda ordem.
Jairme afirmou que não esperava toda repercussão. O filtro foi criado como um meme, dentro de uma bolha de seguidores "Foi tudo uma bobagem. Um seguidor dele, por motivo besta, me mandou mensagens diretas me ofendendo. +
+ Eu não bato boca com quem considero do mesmo lado, então só fiquei fazendo graça. A última gracinha foi essa, copiar o filtro deles e usar no meu perfil. Mas aí eles quiseram procurar enredo", afirmou Jairme para o blog #Hashtag
Read 5 tweets
BRASIL INDEPENDENTE, 200 | Mesmo com apelos de aliados e militares para que Bolsonaro (PL) evitasse ataques contra instituições no Bicentenário da Independência, o presidente atuou para inflamar apoiadores e provocar o STF. 📲📰Leia em
📸@gabrielabilo1 Fotografia colorida mostra dois apoiadores de Bolsonaro, em
A decisão de Bolsonaro de autorizar acesso de caminhões na região onde ocorre o tradicional desfile cívico-militar provocou um embate com o governador do DF Ibaneis Rocha (MDB), que disse à Folha que iria proibir a entrada desses veículos na Esplanada.…
Com a ordem de Bolsonaro, o Exército cadastrou cerca de 60 caminhões para entrarem na Esplanada e ficarem expostos na via oposta à do desfile, inflando o movimento.…
Read 103 tweets
DESAPARECIDOS│A Polícia Federal foi acionada para investigar o desaparecimento do jornalista inglês Dom Phillips, colaborador do jornal The Guardian, e do indigenista da Funai, Bruno Pereira, que viajavam pelo Vale do Javari, no Amazonas.📲📰Leia em Fotografia colorida mostra ...
Segundo a União dos Povos Indígenas do Vale do Javari e o Observatório dos Direitos Humanos dos Povos Indígenas Isolados e de Recente Contato, o último registro que se tem dos dois aconteceu no domingo (5), na comunidade de São Rafael.…
"Dom Phillips, um excelente jornalista, colaborador do Guardian e um grande amigo está desaparecido no Vale do Javari após ameaças de morte ao seu colega indigenista, Bruno Pereira, que também está desaparecido", afirmou Jonathan Watts, editor do Guardian.…
Read 81 tweets

🦉: ¿Qué es PINK SLIME?

🦉: PINK SLIME es un aditivo alimentario fabricado con desechos y subproductos cárnicos, principalmente compuesto por cortes de carne no aptos para el consumo humano, que reciben un tratamiento químico, para legalizar su venta.

1⃣/2⃣5⃣. Image

🦉: Desechos significa todo tipo de recortes sobrantes de carne de baja calidad.

🦉: Subproducto cárnico significa grasa aproteinada y tejidos conectivos remojados con un gas de amoniaco, o ácido cítrico, para matar bacterias como la Escherichia coli.

2⃣/2⃣5⃣. Image

🦉: Beef Products Inc, su fabricante, manifiesta que se trata de "carne", y no es correcto llamarlo "BABA ROSA" o "PINK SLIME". Aplican los términos "recortes de carne magra deshuesada" o "BLBT", y, "recortes de carne finamente texturizados" o "LFTB".

3⃣/2⃣5⃣. Image
Read 25 tweets
A typical Twitter #Hashtag Trend to get to 1~5 rank (1.5M Tweets) in India costs a minimum of ₹5~₹10Crore.

Trend lasts for a max of 12~24 hours.

This is for any movie release, Product launch, or Political Trends.

Of course many political parties and top celebs have an
inhouse IT Cell, but still they need to hire outside companies like Prashant Kishor's iPAC as the trend needs to look organic from multiple locations in India.

Some Political parties get support from 🇵🇰 ISI IT Cell, 🇹🇷 MİT, 🇨🇳 61398部队, and now directly from Twitter farms too.
These payments are not just for IT Cell staff, they need to also pay 'Influencers' in every state. So typically Blue Tick Celebrities, Influencers, and Media.

I got this load down two years ago but didn't write about it. Now that PK's CON master plan was 'leaked' you can verify
Read 4 tweets
वह जो मस्जिद पर झंडे फहरा रहे हैं । वह जो हमें मारने काटने की ऊँची ऊँची आवाज़ें लगा रहे हैं । वह जो बुलडोज़र के नीचे देश के संविधान और कानून को एक साथ कुचल रहे हैं । इन सबको हम पहचानते हैं । यह सब हमारी जान पहचान के लोग हैं । इनमें से कोई अपरिचित नही है ।@kidwai_hafeez
यह वह लोग हैं, जिन्होंने हमारी दोस्तियों के बीच,हमारे साथ उठते बैठते,खाते पीते,हँसते बोलते,टहलते घूमते,उस दल को चुना है,जो हमें ठिकाने लगाने की घोषणाएं करता रहा । यह सब वही लोग हैं, जो चुपके से हमारी तबाही का बटन दबा आते हैं और खामोश होकर हमारे बग़ल में खड़े हो जाते हैं।
यह वह लोग हैं, जो हमें दूसरे नेताओं के बोलने,चलने,खड़े होने और शब्दों की मर्यादा को लाँघने पर ज्ञान देंगे और खुद बुलडोज़र का ईंधन बनने में देर नही करेंगे ।
Read 7 tweets
Credo che più che il fatto che il frugolo del saluto nazista "ha 15 anni, dovete capirlo" non vi irrita il fatto che, giustamente, a 15 anni un ragazzino ha capito che non esistono pasti gratis al mondo, se hai avuto un'occasione e te la bruci ridendo e sghignazzando sul palco
mentre fai il saluto nazista (ripeto, non ha messo un cuscino petomane sotto la sedia dell'amico, si è prodotto nel saluto nazista durante l'inno di un Paese che gli ha consentito di continuare a lavorare mentre non poteva per motivi bellici).
Vi irrita il fatto che dopo aver
letteralmente scassato la ralla ai presenti con "Uuu, l'#Ucraina è #nazista e va #denazificata, facciamo questo #hashtag per dare a #Zelensky del #fascista, su" improvvisamente un ragazzetto dei #buoni vi ha fatto il saluto nazista in mondo visione, ghignando come una iena con la
Read 5 tweets
Auf meinen Körper ist Verlass!
1. er lenkt meine Finger & lässt mich mitten in der Berufungskommission mit Vorsingen eine Mail schreiben mit "sorry, ich klink mich jetzt aus - ich kann nicht mehr"
2. er lässt mich @freedom aktivieren & den Weg ins Bett finden.
3. ...
@freedom ... er erfüllt mir nach 8 Tagen des sehnlichen Wartens endlich den Wunsch auf #Komaschlaf.
Der Trick: 'body scan' durch den Kopf = ENDLICH fährt #Windows19 (äh - oder #MSOffice21??) runter und bootet neu.
4. er produziert die heiß erwarteten 90 Minuten göttlicher #Komaschlaf!
@freedom 5. der einzige Bug: nach dem Reboot bin ich vollkommen durch den Wind & mein Kopf fährt volle Pulle Kettenkarussell während ich eigentlich ganz stabil in meinem Stuhl sitze.
Bad Update. 🎠🥴🌀🫥🌬️
Ich hab ein neues Schimpfwort - und ich man kann es richtig ausspucken:
Read 12 tweets

The US gvm't says the population is “united” behind its war drive. This is a lie!

Here’s how US workers & youth really feel about the US/NATO drive to World War 3 & Putin's invasion.

RT, tag friends & add your voice! Post your video/pic & use #SpeakOutAgainstWW3!

1/ Image
In the hours and days ahead the WSWS will be posting statements against war from workers & young people across the US. #antiwar sentiment is censored from the corporate media. Post yr statement to show the world that the US population does not want war! #SpeakOutAgainstWW3

Liz, a nurse from LA says: "All working class people from the US must unite w/ our Ukrainian and Russian brothers & sisters. We have to build a working class #antiwar movement because this drive to war w/ Russia is a very dangerous policy. They are taking us to the edge."

Read 49 tweets
PUTIN ATACA A UCRÂNIA | O presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, anunciou a autorização de uma operação militar na Ucrânia. A informação foi dada pela agência de notícias Reuters, citando a mídia russa, no final da noite de quarta no Brasil.

Leia mais:…
📷 Alexey Nikolsky/Sputnik/AFP
📝 Igor Gielow

Até aqui, não há sinal de uma invasão total à Ucrânia, já que Putin parece estar cumprindo o que havia prometido: enviar tropas para as áreas rebeldes.
Read 142 tweets
💡Google tricks

A list of amazing Google tricks you do not know before 🧵
1. Search any image by exact size

→ imagesize:widthxheight

e.g., web development imagesize:1000x500
2. Search for hashtags from social media sites


e.g., #webdevelopment
Read 8 tweets
UP election hashtags study:
1. Smaller alliance parties (RLD, ApnaDal etc) hashtag about larger partners (BJP, SP), don't get reciprocated!
2. BJP hashtags more positive-themed, INC most antagonistic
3. Alliance parties prefer talking about Modi, State BJP wants to focus on Yogi Image
We find a high degree of organization among all parties, suggesting active IT cells generating hashtags.

All non-alliance partners attack the BJP.

SP and INC avoid attacking each other, but BSP, AIMIM do attack other non-BJP parties, suggesting potential of eating into votes.
INC has focused its hashtagging mainly on women's issues coalescing around #लड़की_हूँ_लड़_सकती_हूँ

Majority of UP INC politicians (over 80%) who have used this hashtag are male, a rare case of male politicians coalescing around a strategy framed in a female voice. Pro INC hashtags in green, ...
Read 6 tweets
Whether intentionally/coincidentally or by “following the thread” the timing of @wfp’s statement (supported by a UN media briefing) and the publication of an @ap report about health issues in Tigray off of an Ethiopia Insight article submitted from Tigray appear coordinated.
And this activity is coinciding with a new burst of #tigraygenocide #hashtag activity. All of which coincides with a expanded TPLF offensive against Afar during which it appears they have occupied Ab’ala, and as a result ensured that the Semera-Mekelle aid corridor is closed.
This is a pattern of information support activity for TPLF activity which has been seen over and over again since TPLF rejected the GOE’s humanitarian ceasefire on June 28th.

This instance also coincides with questionable activity by @WHO’s electoral board r.e. @DrTedros
Read 18 tweets
How To Sell Pixelart Online (Fast)
0⃣.1⃣ Welcome 👋🐸 !
If you're a pixelartist and want to sell pixelart game assets online, this thread can help you !

Please note that the following is based on my personnal experience (I do not have a master in Marketing or Art) 😇

Anyway, enjoy !

TL;DR : it's tryhard 💪
0⃣.2⃣ Btw, I'm not an English native, but "Omelette du fromage, oui oui, croissant 🥐 " native. Please be indulgent with my grammar 🤓 .
Read 34 tweets
Tomorrow I will start a #thread of the untold revelations on #Rusesabagina.

A research that I’ve been doing for months reveals an unbelievable string of misinformation of the public by @nytimes, @TLHumanRights @kittykurth, his lawyers and Belgian lawmakers.

A perfect fiction!
Here is the list of lies about #Rusesabagina:

1. Not Rwandan Citizen
2. Human Rights Activist
3. Saved people at Milles Collines
4. Kidnapped
5. Tortured
6. Denied Lawyers of his choice
7. Subjected to sham trial

I will be demonstrating-with proof-that none of this is the truth
1. On #Rusesabagina 'Not being Rwandan':

This is a passport application signed by #Rusesabagina himself in July 2004. The application is accompanied by a payment slip to @rrainfo - also signed by Rusess.
Read 33 tweets

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